The narrative which we have heard suggests that the Trump supporters are the violent protesters, and they want to intimidate anyone who opposes Trump.

The clash in Anaheim, California should make people rethink this media narrative:

Clash in Anaheim over anti-Trump motion leaves girls hurtamid pepper spray, Taser, harsh words

Trump backers,
critics clash, fire pepper spray outside Anaheim City Hall
A divided Anaheim City Council voted late Tuesday to take no
action on a resolution to formally denounce Donald J. Trump, capping a heated
nearly four-hour debate that followed clashes outside City Hall between
supporters and opponents of the Republican presidential candidate.

The Anaheim city council should focus on keep the streets clean and the residents safe–and free.

Individual councilmembers can share their distaste for a candidate. Why would they take up city time and resources to talk about a Presidential candidate? The initial sponsor of the resolution wanted to extend the measure to all candidates.

Thankfully, they quashed the snow-flake, wannabe SJW nullities.

But not without considerable fanfare.

Before the meeting began, the conflict turned violent as
demonstrators on either side hurled obscenities at each other and fired pepper
spray, witnesses said. An ambulance arrived to provide care for at least two
young girls and a woman who were stung by pepper spray. Television news video of
the clash appeared to show a pro-Trump demonstrator lunging with a Taser at an

Excuse me? Only one person used pepper spray: one of the anti-Trumptards.

Anti-Trumptards attacked We the PeopleRising

So much for peaceful protests. Notice, however, who are the violent ones …

Here is the video from a recorder right on the ground who captured everything.

The rancor could prove to be an opening skirmish as the
Republican presidential campaign moves to California ahead of the June 7
primary. Several polls show Trump leading his rivals in the state. But the
billionaire has also faced criticism and protests by activists in California
over his inflammatory comments about people who are in the U.S. illegally.

I have nothing against anyone who speaks out against illegal immigration. I am tired of squeamish leaders who refuse to protect citizens, who stand by or even encourage President Obama's offensive remarks and irreverent disregard for the rule of law.

The billionaire is scheduled to hold a rally in Costa Mesa
on Thursday night at the Pacific Ampitheatre at the Orange County Fair &
Event Center, according to Trump's campaign website. The rally is set for 7
p.m., with doors opening at 4 p.m.

The unruly debate in Anaheim continued inside the council
chamber, where dozens of members of the public offered their views before the
city leaders discussed the resolution that would have condemned the GOP
front-runner's “divisive rhetoric.” The council voted 3-2 to take no action on
the resolution.

People power. We the People power. Shame on Kim Murray for instigating such a shallow resolution.

Anaheim, the largest city in Orange County, is not the first
in the country to consider denouncing Trump. Mayors from cities including
Philadelphia and St. Petersburg, Fla., have condemned the billionaire
developer, and former West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey Horvath has said Trump is
not welcome in the city.

This latest stunt should encourage other elected officials to think twice before engaging in such anti-First Amendment activity!
But the proposal showed just how much Anaheim — once a
bastion of conservatism in famously right-leaning Orange County — has drifted
left as its population has become more diverse, making it an unlikely
battleground in a polarizing national election.

Of course, the Los Angeles has to take some hollow digs at conservatives and play up the narrative that Orange County is going blue. Yawn.

“The rhetoric and the language he's using truly go against
the grain of the city of Anaheim's core values as a city of kindness … and as
a city that's inclusive of our diverse community,” said Councilwoman Kris
Murray, who proposed the motion during the last council meeting. The
resolution, she said, was her bid to stand up for “tens of thousands of Anaheim
residents who have been the target of Mr. Trump's campaign trail attacks.”

We do not need kindness, if it covers up lies, fraud, and lawlessness.
The resolution noted that Latinos make up a majority of
Anaheim's residents and that the city is home to one of the nation's largest
Muslim populations. Trump has drawn fierce criticism by claiming Mexico was
sending rapists over the border. Later, he called for “a total and complete
shutdown of Muslims” entering the U.S.

How about someone review statistics before attacking someone's rhetoric. In the rising number of illegal aliens breaking into the United States, how many of them are committing sexual assaults or other sex-related crimes? What percentage of them are from Mexico? Or from which country?

Outside City Hall before the meeting, witnesses said pro-
and anti-Trump demonstrators carried signs and yelled at each other.

And no one mentions that the anti-Trumptards pepper-sprayed women and children.

Linda Reedy, a Laguna Niguel resident and member of We the
People Rising, a group of Trump supporters, said anti-Trump protesters “goaded”
her and her friends. When an unidentified man attacked a friend, Reedy said,
she tried to pull the stranger off and pepper spray stung her eyes.

For the record, I am a member of We the People Rising, and I support Ted Cruz. Thanks.

“I just think they're so out of control,” Reedy said of
Trump's opponents, later pulling out a wet cloth to wipe her eyes. “I'm so sick
of the anger in this country,” she said.

Read that again if you missed it. She had to wipe her eyes. She was not violent. She was not attacking anyone.
Anaheim Police Sgt. Daron Wyatt said that no arrests were
made after the clash and that police believe the pepper spray was used by anti-Trump
demonstrators. Two witnesses said people on both sides used pepper spray.

BS. We the People Rising do not attack others. They just speak out their minds, and they fight for what they believe through peaceful demonstrations. It is very offensive that once again the Los Angeles Times pretends to be impartial, when they end up tipping their hand against conservatives and pro-America advocates.

Once the meeting got underway, more than 55 people signed up
to speak during the public comment portion, among them dozens of Trump
defenders who viewed the council's proposed action as beyond the scope of its

They were right.

“Your business is to govern Anaheim,” said Treva Wishart, a
teacher's aide and 30-year resident of the city. “Keep your noses out of the
national election.”

Yes, and notice that she said nothing good or bad about Trump.

Raul Rodriguez Jr., the state coordinator of the pro-Trump
group America First Latinos, also blasted the resolution and called his chosen
candidate a “humanitarian,” adding: “He cares about this great country of

I hope that Raul is right. I know for certain that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hat this country and all that it stands for. Hillary, Obama, Bernie keep apologizing because America is great.

Mayor Tom Tait pounded his gavel again and again to try to
control the increasingly angry crowd, which shrieked approval when one
commenter announced that Trump had won all five states voting in Tuesday's

Yes, he did. Why get angry about it?!

But Ibrahem Dalati, a high school senior, said he felt
compelled to tell Murray how much he appreciated her proposal as a Muslim
American, telling the crowd that Trump supporters “are full of hate.”

This is the biggest lie of them all. I am so tired of these hollow left-wing agitators playing the "hate"  card. The hatred begins and ends with these anti-Trumptards, who ATTACK people.

“If Trump has to use hate to gain votes, we cannot support
him,” Dalati said. “A great America is where someone can walk outside and smile
at everyone and be able to help one another despite race or religion.”
Tait, the Republican mayor, told The Times before the
meeting that he would abstain from voting and said he questions the
resolution's legality.

His abstention is a no vote. Good for him.

“We've taken positions on legislation, but never on a
candidate,” Tait said. “Certainly, privately, any council member or I could,
but as an official government action — it's not appropriate.”

Hmm …

However, Murray said the city attorney reviewed the
resolution and “it is fully authorized by state law.” The motion does not cost
the city any money, she added.

Yes, the motion did cost the city money, because the city police had to invest exert resources and manpower: overtime pay! That costs residents!

As the meeting neared 10 p.m., the council considered a
proposal by Murray to excise Trump's name from the language in the resolution,
making it a broad condemnation of inflammatory presidential candidates.

Including Ted Cruz! As if!!

Murray said that omitting Trump's name would
"accommodate" different sides of the issue and focus on the
objective: that the city "will not condone any attacks.”

Tait opposed voting on the amendment and said it should go
on a future meeting agenda, allowing people to weigh in on it.

"Taking out Donald Trump's name makes it an entirely
different resolution," Tait said.

No date has been set for the council to take up the
alternative version of the resolution.

I will be there if time permits. I support We the People Rising. As a member, we are fed up with illegal immigration, we are tired of lawlessness, and we demand that all elected officials put Americans first.

Cal State Fullerton psychology student Keith Carlson, a
Trump critic, said he expected a fierce debate and chaos surrounding such a
lightning rod of a candidate.

“They both want to be right. What ends up happening is both
sides want to speak, but no one wants to listen,” he said. “That's the problem
with this campaign.”

For Reedy, who was hit by pepper spray outside City Hall,
opposing the council resolution was a matter of free speech.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

“I don't think it's right for a government body to denounce
a citizen just because they don't like what he says,” Reedy said. “It's
chilling. It's anti-American.”

Yes it is! Shame on the Anaheim City Council member Kris Murray for pushing that stupid resolution!

Final Reflection

What's really going on here?

Why would Kris Muray do this? I believe that she is a Democrat, all the Los Angles Times brazenly refused to do mention it. The LA Slimes wants to denigrate freedom-loving conservatives.

They are losing stock, and fast.

But really, what is going on?

This political stunt was a petty effort from the Democratic machine in Orange County to turn up the Dem vote. Liberals throughout the country are not going to the polls. They are disaffected with their leaders. Hillary Clinton is a total liar. Bernie Sanders is a crazy, immoral thief preaching envy as a political philosophy.

What do Democrats really have to look forward to?

They can get excited about stopping Donald Trump. These little stunts are designed  to ensure a hefty turnout on June 7th.

Nothing more.

Of course, Democrats are embracing another virulent strand of the virulent Left's embittered lines of attack.

Silence people! Stop men and women from speaking against corruption and lawlessness.

They are not going to get away with it! Never!

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