Behaving in a more presidential manner than the current chief executive, and demonstrating a savvy acumen to tell the American people the unpalatable truth in a tolerable manner, Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has offered another effective and efficient budget proposal.

Presenting a budget that reduces the national debt while reforming Medicare and simplifying the tax code, Ryan's polished command of fiscal and budgetary issues indicates his respect for the American people as well as a calculated concern for the debt crisis currently impinging on this country.

Federal entitlements must be funded, reduced, and simplified — this country must engage in this conversation, and Congressman Ryan so far is the only politician willing to enter the discussion. His proposed transfer of Medicare into block grants is neither a novel nor controversial. Former President Bill Clinton, with the prodding of a dedicated Congressional Republican majority, reformed welfare in the same manner, which reduced federal spending and assisted struggling families to get off of state dependence.

Ryan understands the rancor among many voters, who perceive that Big Money's collusion with Big Government has deprived the middle class and has depleted the stability and strength of the nation. In response to these concerns, Ryan's budget proposal ends high-end loopholes, simplifying the arcane and labyrinthine taxcode, and lowers tax brackets for middle class taxpayers.

Hardly "smoke and mirrors", as claimed by Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, Congressman Ryan's budget plan outlines the needs of the county and the expectations of the voters: less government, fewer taxes, and decreased federal spending.

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