When I slammed the Republican (RINO) Party of Los Angeles County, and then when I exposed David Hadley as an arrogant Never-Trumper not willing to take charge and do something to help the county party, my friend Claude Todoroff of the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly shared my letters with other members of his club.

Some of the people who read my letter were thrilled.

Some people, like Bob Burchett, blew a gasket.

 Burchett just issued this crazy rant rebuttal:

Name calling, yelling in the closet, sending endless badly-written, insulting emails to each other and the like (even if 100% accurate) only insure this place we know & love remains a dark blue state forever. As is already well known, us lonely remaining few Republicans lag behind “Decline To State” people fed up with us AND the Blue Boneheads. You guys are simply playing right into their game.
What came would that be? Bob Burchett wouldn't tell me.

Want to know how insignificant the LAGOP is now? Just look at the EMAIL names in the “TO” header above.  There are so few of you guys that you can actually get your first name in each of the addresses!  Richard, Howard, Cary, Jacqueline, Alex. Yeah YOU.  Want to know where the problem is? Here is a MIRROR.

What has happened to the Republican Party of
Los Angeles County?

Time to either put up or shut the HELL up as political infighting is a complete waste of electrons to carry ones and zeroes (mostly zeroes from what I can read) so what to do?

Infighting is sometimes necessary. The 2016 Election was nothing but infighting, and yet President Trump stomped on 16 other candidates, and then he took on Crooked Hillary, Goofy Gary, and Evasive Evan, and Joking Jill to become the next President of the United States.

I get so tired of people saying "stop with the infighting." When there is nothing but bad leadership, it is essential to confront the terrible leadership and demand that they shape up or ship out!
Arthur: if you have so much time on your hands to spend yelling at others to do something about it rather than just talk (loudly) then why not run for office vs. run away from it?

This Bob guy has not been paying attention. Pretty sad. No wonder some conservatives aren't accomplishing anything.
David Hadley, whom I find to be way too under-powered to be in charge of much, who may have only 10% of Arthur’s energy,  but DOES have the best statement I have seen from any of you people in weeks did say it rather pointedly;

Once again, where has Bob been?
The act of stating repeatedly ‘you do your job’ no, YOU do your job, blah, blah is enough to cause most of us to just hit the unsubscribe key. Blindly and mindlessly forwarding this trash ranks lower on my scale of timewasters than driving up to Sacramento and taking videos of scream-sessions. Nobody is DOING anything, they are just SCREAMING about it.

WRONG AGAIN. Because I blasted the RPLAC leadership, they had to run to the radio and cover for their fecklessness, then get on board and start handing out Yes on Prop 6 signs.
Trump; against ALL odds and most of YOUR BUMBLING NOT voting for him still landed the closest thing to a real Republican in the White House in 30-odd years with CAGOP missing-in-action.

It's important for me to recognize when Bob isn't talking to me. I voted for our President in the general election, and it was one of the best votes I had ever cast!

TODAY John Cox is following the exact same pathway and did you SEE what he is doing by taking the fight to the DMV handing out bottles of water to folks sweating 2+ hour waits in that line?
What a vote getter! Who thought of THAT campaign technique??

It's a good idea. I am glad that John Cox is doing something. He just needs to do a whole lot more of it, and he needs to fight harder against the Fake News peddled by the lame-stream media.

That person should be the leader of the CAGOP just for coming up with the best idea I have ever seen.

Call Kellyanne Conway or Sean Spicer to get some REAL advice on how to ELECT a Reagan replica….they DID IT and you don’t even talk about it without tripping over your keyboards.

I suspect that many leaders in RPLAC are not interested in advice, they are not interested even in winning.
Anyone AWAKE out there? This guy COX may (or may NOT) be your first choice for Governor but it had better DAMNED WELL be your only choice when you pull that curtain back & yank that lever. If he loses it will be YOUR FAULT for doing nothing while saying lots.
EYEOPENER: Anyone else notice that for the first time in 16+ years there is an R next to the name opposing nearly every D in the upcoming mid-term races? This is historic you MORONS and none of you reading this is actually DOING anything while all of you are TYPING behind your firewalls instead of making it actually happen for us.  

I noticed.
Anyone else recall this is how we got crazy Arnold elected guv pushing out Gray Davis based solely on his TAX VOTE?  Arnold sat in there for a few years unable to get anything meaningful done in a sea of blue resistance….it is true but that wasn’t his fault; it was OURS for not voting-in a sea of RED to get him some support. Yes I am talking to YOU out there.
So Arthur IMHO it is finally your calling and time to put up or shut up. Get off the bus headed for Canada, Sacramento or the next Antifa yell-session, get your FACE out of the BOOK and show them you actually DO mean business by running for some faction of the GOP leadership and rallying the troops to get MONEY and SUPPORT and actual VOTES for this election in the next few weeks or simply get a real job and unplug that useless computer that can’t spell each time you get angry in the safety of your bedroom.  Hadley may not be your best friend but call his bluff….I DARE you.

Someone else has called his bluff. His name is Steve Frank. I have been writing about him for the last two weeks, every since he announced that he was running for CAGOP Chairman.
Hadley was dead WRONG to not support Trump or man-up when the going got rough , couldn’t even beat useless AL but he is at least WORKING on the GOP leadership with maybe some new blood and plans….you DO have some real plan this time right Dave?  For God’s sake I sure as hell hope so….you ran a deadpan campaign and didn’t support much of anything the rest of us did but I do take my hat off to you for wanting to be the LEADER of this ragtag bunch….is it too late to get something done for this one election that matters or are you going to wind down a lackluster show and BLOG with a bottle of wine next to the PC as we burn in blue hell with Newsom at the helm of the Titanic. 

Bob, I don't drink wine. Perhaps you do … and too much. 

Actions always speak louder than words; so children stop the infighting and ELECT SOME REPUBLICANS YOU HATE BUT AT LEAST AREN’T DEMOCRATS!

One has to wonder were Bob Burchett has been all these years.

Now hit that key, unsubscribe me from all of this blathering crap and don’t even ASK me for a dollar to support you until you stop the childish public display of stupidity.

I didn't send this to you, Bob. 
Robert L. “Bob” Burchett
Certified Communications Engineer
Enterprise Electronics
22826 Mariposa Ave.
Torrance CA 90502
Direct line: 310.534.4456
FAX: 310.534.1233

Claude Todoroff, President of the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly, wrote in my defense (he was the one who had forwarded the letter I had written to the RPLAC "leadership" and David Hadley:


Arthur was the president of the Beach Cities Republicans for two years. He is out in the trenches fighting the battles (oppose sanctuary state, oppose illegals being city commissioners etc.). Someone has to do the dirty work because the leadership is AWOL. The leadership isn't even leading from behind. I suspect like 50 years ago they have fled to Canada or Sweden but I'm sure they will be first in line when the commendations for doing a great job are handed out. In Jan. 2019 you have the opportunity to run for TLRA president or some other board position. I'm termed out and can't run again until at least 2020. I doubt if anyone else will run so you'd be a lock. We need new blood and work on the base that Todd Blair (2012-2013), Sarah Wiltfong (2014), Rick Marshall (2015-2016) and I have built. New ideas will improve the club and you have the experience that we are looking for.

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