The Orange County Republican Party issued the following press release/eblast.

Normally, the party in power will lose seats in Congress because the voters want "a change."

Of course, parties have defied this history in the past. For example, George W. Bush's Republican Party gained seated in both the House and the US Senate in 2002. What was happening then? The President was leading a War on Islamic Terror.

He had continued keeping the country safe, and he had demonstrated qualified leadership during the rough storms facing the country in that first two year cycle of his Presidency. Bush enjoyed very high marks during that period.

Will it happen again? Trump's numbers are higher than Obama's were at the same time during his Presidency.

Can the Republican Party defy history across the country?

Will the Republican Party hold onto whatever it has left in California?

We need more fighting. We need more action. We need people to stop settling for "barely get by" and "let's try to win."

Let's be bold. Let's fight back and win.

It's time to Defy History:

My Fellow Republicans,

Are you ready to defy history? The general election is less than 90 days away. Historically, the party in power loses seats in the midterm election.

Democrats don't just want us to lose a few seats – they want us to lose the house and they are targeting Orange County for their "blue wave."

You and I cannot let that happen. We know what a Democrat Congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters will look like: higher taxes, ICE abolished, and impeachment.

As we saw in Congressional elections across the country, and most recently in Ohio, every vote counts.

We must defeat the Democrats. We must win in November. But, we need your help. This election will be won by the hundreds of volunteers knocking on doors, registering voters, making phone calls and everything in between.

If you have an hour, a day or more between now and November – there is a place for you on the Victory 2018 team.

Just go to to sign up for volunteer opportunities and we will contact you to join the Victory 2018 team.

Together we can hold the House of Representatives, repeal the Gas Tax and stop the Democrat's failed supermajority in Sacramento. Join the Victory 2018 team today!


Hon. Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman, Republican Party of Orange County

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