Dear Mr Burns

Tribute to Sir David Amess MP

The investigation into Sir David Amess’ death is now being led by Counter Terrorism Policing and in a statement issued on Saturday the Met police have confirmed that “The early investigation has revealed a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism".

However, without wishing to prejudice the outcome of the police investigation, if the murderous assault was motivated by the Quran and Mohammedanism, isn’t it the case that this is just one more example in a long string of attacks by Islam on our Christian heritage and values and a determination to topple the democratic process, destroy our nation and bring us into submission to Allah?

Sir David worked tirelessly to stop the growth of iniquity, protect Christians, defend the disadvantaged and voiceless, as well as supporting the notion of a return to the death penalty for murderers.   We could do no better than to follow his example, which whilst seeking to recover as a nation our Christian identity and faith and to act with love, fairness, kindness, and grace, was also to be a champion of the pinnacle of God’s creation, the natural family and the unborn child which since the beginning of history have been constantly under attack from the worshippers of Baal and Molech and now the LGBTQs, for are not LGBT rights also abortion rights?  [1]  

Surely it is to the advantage of Mohammedans to see Britain destroying its own population through abortion, which since 1967 has destroyed 15% of its population, equalling ten million souls at an ever-increasing rate per year. This coupled with the agenda of Global LGBTQ+ rights groups – such as those to which you and other gay MPs and Peers occupy an important position and which are intent on rendering boys impotent and girls sterile, through sodomy, oral sex, masturbation and the promotion of pornography – is leading to the cancelling and extinction of the British race.   

Meanwhile, Muslim families with their large extended families are growing exponentially and predicted to dominate not just our nation but the rest of the Western civilization, in just a few decades.     

The counter-terrorism police have now to complete their investigation, and government will then have to decide what further measures to put in place to handle such threats, protecting both MPs and the public at large.  They would do well to remember that the real answer lies not in weak-minded equivalence towards values that at base are hostile to our culture, or even to putting armed police officers in MPs’ surgeries,  but in recovering the moral health and martial vigour to defend our Christian heritage and values – a vigour which though respecting  and defending  true freedom of belief and speech for all; refuses to countenance any assault on our democracy and inalienable rights as free men to defend our women and children and to obey God’s laws rather than those of wicked governments, such as our own.  

I see from your Facebook page during Holocaust Day at the memorial monument opposite the Town Hall, that in defence of the most vulnerable in society, you quoted Pastor Niemoller’s poem. [2]  

 I can find no evidence that you have you ever spoken up for marriage and the family, for protecting children from confusion and sexualisation through Relationship and Sex Education, the brain-child of the former lesbian Secretary of State for Education, Justin Greening and Nick Gibbs the homosexual Minister for Education. Though you claim to be a member of “LIFE”, I am not aware of you ever having spoken up in defence of the baby in the womb.

As for defending freedom of speech, your track record reveals only a desire to threaten and silence [3] anyone who opposes you. I can testify to your silencing me and putting up a “ring of steel” against my meeting you in face-to-face constituency surgeries since 2010.

David Sergeant of the Australian Spectator wrote, in 2019 "Boris is a master opportunist, of very low moral character, who does not believe in anything, other than getting to power…. Conor Burns MP – friend, advisor and former PPS to Johnson, is the campaign's puppet master. A sinister character, well known for all the wrong reasons among Conservative Party staffers. It is he who pulls the strings [4], devises policy and develops strategy."

Indeed, what better person to send to Northern Ireland to quell any Protestant resistance from the people there? You appear to be not so much as Boris Johnson’s right-hand man but his henchman.


If our nation is to enjoy the blessing of God Almighty, we must defend our own Protestant heritage, protect our Christian preachers and evangelists, repeal all legislation, and acts of Parliament introduced since the late 1950s which have served to advance the so-called human rights of Satanists, secularists, humanists, homosexuals, abortionists, and Muslims who have simultaneously attacked our ancient laws founded on the Bible. Our fate is writ large in Deuteronomy 28:15-68, if as a nation we do not repent and turn back to God; we are then finished – Galatians 6:7.





Yours sincerely,

David Skinner

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