To the leaders of the CAGOP:

 I have no choice at this
time but to call for the immediate resignation of current CAGOP Chairwoman
Jessica Patterson.

In her latest offensive
affront to the state party, here she is glamorizing a confused man who thinks
he is a woman: Gina Roberts. 

This is a disgusting
disregard for the National as well as State Republican Party platforms.
Furthermore, Mr. Roberts pressed herself into a local chapter of the California
Republican Women Federated, becoming the first male president of a Republican
club which is designed for WOMEN. This is a complete dishonor to women, as well
as to men and the biological beauty of the differences between the two sexes.
He also refuses to go on record whether she would oppose biological males such
as herself competing against women in women's sports. Roberts has also declared
that he is ready to use vexatious litigation to force any private firm to let
him use the bathroom of his choice. This is not "Live and Let Live"
Conservatism by any means.

You can see his
statements in this blog post for more information:

The State of the Union: LGBT
Madness in Escondido: Republican Women's Group Elects Man As Chapter
President – Blogger

Yes, it's a man pretending to be a woman, or
I suppose one can say that the politically correct title is "transgender
woman." This is totally non-existent, of course, and the fact is that no
man can become a woman, and no one can become a man, no matter how many
surgeries, no matter how many laws are passed.


Transgenderism is a
mental illness, not a civil right. A political party that cannot tell the
difference between male and female, and that cannot understand that a man
cannot become a woman has no business seeking political power. This is a
travesty, a joke, and is turning the Republican Party into a laughingstock.

I am astounded that our
failed leadership in the state California Republican Party is so determined to
pander to corrupted, broken identity politics, instead of investing in a
serious grassroots movement to engage, enrage, and organized frustrated
citizens to fight back and take back their local, county, and state governments
in California. Hispanic voters are switching rapidly to the CAGOP, and they are
substantially pro-life, pro-family, pro-America. They do not support this LGBT
madness. Not one bit.

This past Tuesday, I was at the Downey, California city
council meeting, where the vast majority of residents in the majority-Hispanic
community spoke out against the city council's decision to fly the LGBT Pride
flag over city hall. The current city council is 4-1 Democrat, and the only
Republican on the council, Mayor Claudia Frometa, bravely voted AGAINST that
perverse proposal. 

The Republican Party
needs to stand for cultural as well as fiscal conservatism. Chairwoman
Patterson has clearly chosen to disdain the cultural bases of our party. She
needs to step down. Patterson has repeatedly been criticized in
local CAGOP party circles as well as conservative newsletters and blogs for
doing nothing to build the state party. She is more beholden to a corporate,
consultant culture class that wants to make money rather than shape the culture
and win elections. It is of little consequence to me that she supposedly won
re-election as chairwoman earlier this year, considering all of the voter
problems and by-law violations which had occurred and have been widely

Jessica Patterson, it is
time for you to step down. I expect you to tender your resignation shortly.


Arthur Schaper

Delegate, California Republican Party

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