Regarding the danger of power lines over residential homes,
I have never had too much to worry about. So far, repair crews have arrived in
a timely manner to fix cables or reconfigure any other equipment in case of
power outages.

My bigger concern is that residents in Southern California
can only rely on one energy provider. In addition to being limited to one
communications source for my cellphone service, I have to depend on one
provider for electricity.

These public monopolies can hurt us more than help us. Who
decided that only one company has the right and authority to provide a service,
even a public one? Granted, the public has an interest in stable support for
energy, water, and other public services. Still, rather than fighting over how
to deal with one set of power lines or the potential health dangers, why not permit
city and local leaders to petition for competition in electric support and
supply in our communities?

The less government we have dictating what we have to
tolerate, the better for everyone. Imagine a community of concerned citizens demanding
that their electric company make necessary changes to their business
operations. Instead of private citizens haranguing their city councils hope for
results, they could threaten to seek services from another company. Profit and
competition create more ideal circumstance for reform than stricter municipal
regulations and independent studies.

Engaging cities to choose where they get their energy would
be efficient, economical and empowering for everyone.
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