Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota lost his sense of speech, garbled his words, slumped over, and collapsed.

In the rare act of bipartisan ship, Republican and Democratic leaders of the state legislature rushed over to help the ailing governor. Truth to be told, he has been suffering from ill health before.

He's collapsed before.

He's endured surgeries.

Now he has a permanent limp.

Yet Governor Dayton's sudden spill to the ground is perhaps more ominous than people realize.

The state of Minnesota is collapsing from within.

The state's Obamacare health exchange is on life support, and cannot sustain itself.

The liberal governor wsa interested in adopting a single-payer model, much like in Canada or Great Britain. But socialized medicine, nationalized healthcare, etc. is bad health care. It's more government, less care, and less health for everyone.

The people who brag about "free healthcare" in these countries usually do not have to use it. If they do need medical attention, they wait in long lines, receive a number, then wait in another line. It's routine for patients to take matters into their hands, right down to pulling out their own diseased teeth,


The economic collapse of bridges as well as budgets should worry all Minnesota voters. The childish antics of their two governors should heighten concern too.

There is another organization within the state of Minnesota facing collapse, as well as around the country: The Democratic Party. Republicans are poised to snap up two more Congressional seats in the next election cycle, and Repuboican Donald Trump may win the state's nine electoral votes in 2020, since the state's liberal edge has edged the state toward the abyss.

Republicans now control the state legislature. They are going to put the kibosh on liberal policies which have turned the Land of 10,000 Lakes into an anti-business desert wasteland. One of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country, Mike Lindell, has been persecuted for his pro-Trump beliefs. One has to believe that the only reason the Better Business Bureaus gave him a  F rating is that they want to put a pillow on his to suffocate his profit margins.

Add to the miserable business climate the terrorist attacks erupting in public places, including the Mall of America, and anyone can connect the physical collapse of the ailing, nearly gone Governor with the state of the state.

Incidentally enough, his shivering and tumble better represented the critical condition of the state of Minnesota. If there's no clear-cut course correction in 2018, the Minnesota situation will go from critical to comatose, and eternal collapse to follow!

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