Occupy Everywhere has gone too far.

They have disrupted legitimate commerce, pushing out the Downtown LA Farmers Market, punishing legitimate bankers and traders in Wall Street.

Now they want to stop the Port of Los Angeles? Where does their hubris end?

"Raging against the machine" is ignorant madness. There is no "machine", there is no "corporate puppet-master"; however, there is a complex economy struggling into recovery in the midst of a territorial federal government intent on taxing and spending into prosperity, a scheme which has never worked.

Do these protesters not know right from wrong? The moral equivalence that has taken hold from New York to Los Angeles, and now to the largest port in the country — this is all just ludicrous.

Clashing protesters who need to "get a job, and get a bath" would rather dominate the public square than take responsibility for their lives. No one is a victim — but the liberalism forced-fed to students in post-secondary institutions have bewitched this loose horde to proclaim themselves "The 99%". I may not be a corporate raider, but I do not count myself represented by this outrageous mass.

One protester's poster reads : "This is what a police state looks like."

Excuse me?

Despite the global recession that menaced banks and national firms, the United States has managed to do fairly well.

We do not live in a police state, not by any means. We live in a free society which permits police action secure the rights of all.

Are the police powers perfect? Not at all. But I can stand a little excessive force to outrageous anarchy, which is brimming all over.

Shame on Occupy Everywhere!

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