While six Southern California Republicans voted for the tax-reform deal
approved by the House on Tuesday, the other two — among the most vulnerable
Republicans seeking reelection next year — cast “no” votes after saying the
plan would hurt taxpayers in their districts.

No, these tax cuts plans would not hurt the constituents in their district or in other districts. Lowering the federal income tax brackets is a win for everyone. Lowering the corporate tax rates is also a win for everyone, since that means more business growth, more expansion, and more jobs.
Backers of the plan, which Democrats united in opposing, championed its
tax cuts and said it would spur economic growth. They also noted that some
deductions from the previous version approved by the House had been restored.

These tax cuts will indeed spur growth, especially with repeal of the awful individual mandate.
“The final version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act creates a competitive,
pro-growth tax code that will empower a new generation of American innovation
and prosperity,” said Rep. Ed Royce, R-Yorba Linda.
Go Ed Royce Go! So happy that he stood up to the mauling and caterwauling of the Indivisible 39 activists who have repeatedly harassed his office and staffers.

High-cost, high-tax states — including California — could see tax hikes
for many because of a new limit to the deduction allowance for state and local
taxes and a $750,000 cap deductions for new home mortgages, down from $1
million for existing mortgages.

Lie. The federal income tax rates have been lowered, along with the corporate tax rates. They are not telling the truth when they claim that blue states are going to get hammered.
The plan approved Tuesday would allow deductions of state and local
property, income and sales taxes, with a combined limit of $10,000. Currently,
there is no cap on the state and local tax deductions. The earlier proposal
approved by the House would have eliminated the income and sales tax deductions

The rest of the country should not be picking up the tab for high-tax blue states like California, New York, New Jersey, and Highway. It's a good thing that these SALT deductions are getting held in check.

“Due to the pressure of several members like me, the bill was improved,
but not enough for my constituents,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Costa Mesa, wrote
on Facebook in signaling his continued opposition Monday night. Rohrabacher was
joined by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, and 10 other Republicans in voting
against the tax reform.

It looks as though Rohrabacher is feeling the heat from the left-wing onslaught in his district. That's too bad. Same thing for Darrell Issa. Does the San Diego Republican expect to get re-elected next year
The bill passed in the House 227 to 203, but the chamber is expected to
vote again on Wednesday after the Senate made changes to keep passage in that
chamber to a simple majority.

The bill eventually returned the House because of required last minute changes due to the US Senate's Byrd rule. The House ultimately voted for the legislation 224-201.
Issa’s district would be particularly impacted by the reduction in
deductions allowances because it has among the highest number of taxpayers who
itemize their returns and so could be affected by the change.

Why is that? I wish that OC Register had provided more information on these details.
In his district, which straddles the Orange-San Diego county line, 46
percent of filers itemize with an average $10,024 of state and local tax
deductions, according to the Government Finance Officers Association. That
means those with the average deduction or more in his district would likely be
paying more federal taxes.
The Orange County district of Rep. Mimi Walters, R-Laguna Beach, also
has among the highest numbers of taxpayers who itemize — 45 percent with an
average SALT (state-and-local-tax) deduction of $8,794.
“While I had reservations about previous version of this legislation, I
worked to secure meaningful changes that will benefit the taxpayers of (my)
district,” said Walters, a member of the House GOP leadership team. She cited
increasing the SALT deduction and mortgage-interest deductions from the
previous version, the doubling of the child-care tax credit and restoring
deductions for student loan interest.

She's also one of the key GOP leaders in the House of Representatives. They would  not have taken too kindly to her opposition, likely removing her from leadership.
She also noted the near-doubling of the standard deduction of $12,000
for single filers and $24,000 for joint filers.

This fact answers the charges that any vote for the GOP Tax Reform would have immediately led to higher taxes for California taxpayers. Not necessarily.
Issa has been listed by the news site Roll Call as the most vulnerable
House member in next year’s elections, and has drawn four Democratic
challengers. Rohrabacher is listed by Roll Call as the fifth most vulnerable
and has drawn 12 challengers, eight of them Democrats.

Of course they are talking about Congressman Darrell Issa. His head on a wall would be particularly gratifying for liberals, Democrats, and left-wing progressives, since he was the fiery chairman of the House Oversight Committee from 2011-2015.
Voters in those two districts reelected the Republican incumbent last
year but favored Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. That was also the case in
the districts of Reps. Royce, Walters, and Steve Knight, R-Palmdale. The
opposition to Trump contributed to Democrats’ targeting all five districts in
their effort to flip the 24 GOP seats necessary to take control of the House
next year.
California is turning into another massive battleground state for Democrats, and the remaining Republicans have to wonder what it will take to stay in office. After years of surviving mounted challenges, I doubt that David Valadao or Jeff Denham are going to get pushed out. They have formed strong relPationships with Democratic and Republican voters, and they squish on amnesty over and over again. While I hate that, and many Republican voters want secure borders not open amnesty, the fact is that these two House Reps fall on their sword on this one issue–and they stay in office.

House Democrats voted unanimously against the reform plan because they
felt it benefited the wealthy and businesses at the expense of others, and
because it undermined the Affordable Care Act by eliminating the individual
mandate to have health insurance.

Of course the legislation will benefit "the wealthy", the highest income earners in the country are paying most of the taxes!
“Instead of providing tax relief to middle-class families and small
businesses like the ones here in the Inland Empire, this bill is specifically
designed to give massive tax breaks to the wealthiest corporations and
individuals in our country,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Redlands.

Peter Agui-LIAR is at it again. The tax reform package benefits middle and lower income voters. This is a lie. Shame on Peter!
“In addition to adding a trillion dollars to the deficit, this bill
will drive up health care costs and raise taxes for millions of working
Americans,” he said. “Tax reform should be about creating a level playing field
where every American has a chance to find success, not lining the pockets of
wealthy corporations on the backs of working people.”

Aguilar cares about the deficit now? Seriously, this guy shovels it with both hands. What is the matter with these lawless, loose moral Democrats? Don't they have any shame left? No one is buying their anti-Trump class warfare garbage anymore. They don't seem to realize that Barack Obama is gone, and no matter how much his Organizing for Action interest group hustles throughout the country, Americans are happy to have their country back.
Final Reflection

Steve Knight, Mimi Walters, and Ed Royce voted for the Tax Reforms. Despite the most vocal efforts of the different Indivisible Groups, these Republicans voted to cut taxes for the Middle and Working class voters of their districts and the entire country.
Let's hope that the rest of us Trump Supporters, MAGA Activists, and the no-longer Silent Majority will continue to raise heaven and ensure that the Pro-American agenda of our President continues without obstruction from Congress.

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