Mike McGetrick of Orange County–and a key member of We the People Rising, reported the following about the Orange County Register:

Hello all. I get a free Sunday edition of the OC Register.

I don't know why, but I do.

Here is a list of the last four cover stories:

#1 Catholic charities

#2 Climate change with State Senate President Kevin de Leon and Governor Jerry Brown

#3 Welcome Syrian Refugees

#4 Hispanic Christmas Dinner

I can't wait for the next Sunday edition. I can't wait for the OC Register to go out of business.


Big media is taking a big hit in its funding and finances.

They insist on pushing this ridiculous, regressive agenda, when all of it is so far removed from the times and troubles of average readers.

Why do they continue to push this nonsense?

The donor class which wants illegal immigration and globalist government has relied on the "mainstream media" to push this false narrative

Perhaps they are gearing their newspapers toward a richer, more left-wing elitist audience, convinced that at least they will read the newspapers. Maybe the corporate owners of the press believe that since they are going to close down, they might as well go down fighting and openly declare their brazen, regressive agenda.

Lo and behold, their circulation continues to dwindle.

The Orange County Register had a distinctly libertarian flavor about it. The editoral and business interests running the newspaper at one time decided to expand their readership. At one time, there was a Long Beach Register as well as a Los Angeles Register.

Both of those experiments failed, and then the company was losing money so badly, they had to appeal to their own writer/administrative workforce to deliver the newspapers.

A new company has taken over, connected with the Los Angeles News Group which overseas the Daily Breeze, the Los Angeles Daily  News, and the Los Angeles Press-Telegram. No wonder they paper has taken a decidedly left-wing tilt.

The OC Register will close down very soon, no doubt.

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