President Obama claims that there is no second recession on the horizon for the flagging U.S. Economy.

Economist, legislators, and the American People are weary and leery of another stimulus liked the failed hand-outs of 2009.

Rising food and gas prices spring from one source: inflation, or quantitative easing, as the Fed likes to dress up its job-, currency-, and recovery- killing tactics for the public.

There certainly is nothing that the Fed or the President can do to help jumpstart the slowing economic uptake in this country. Free markets alone can correct the trade and business cycles previously assaulted by easy loans and malignant regulation.

The less that the President and Congress do, the better for all parties concerned. Yet the current politician insist on intervening and intruding into systems which they know nothing about. all to the detriment of businesses and consumers alike.

Since they cannot leave well enough alone, the best actions for recovery are:

1) Remove President Obama from power

2) Renew Congress with members who respect the needs of their constituents, not the greed of lobbyists and entrenched interest groups.

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