The Supreme Court will now tackle once and for all the overblown, overgrown health insurance mandate called ObamaCare.

Of course, President Obama only cares about getting reelected, as a greater portion of the laws mandates will not come into effect until 2014, one year after his supposed reelection. Hopefully, if ObamaCare is struck down in whole, or at least the mandate gets tossed, it will be severe blow the erosion of federalism under President Obama's watch.

If the federal government can force us to by health care, why indeed can the government not also compel individuals to purchase cellphones, or eat broccoli, or attend church? At what point will individual states and citizens speak up and demand that government return to its proper sphere of protecting our rights, securing our borders, honoring the debt weighing upon us, and afterwards respecting all other rights and powers as belong to the states and the people?

Justices Scalia and Roberts both have hammered the federal government for the slow encroachment of and stretching elasticity of the commerce clause of the Constitution and the "necessary and proper" clause in the First Article. This is madness, pure and simple, if the Supreme Court refuses to push back against so outrageous a power grab.

If there is not limit to what the federal government can demand, then why even have a Constitution? If the Supreme Court will exercise no willingness to check the size of the state, then the nine Supremes should tender their resignations and leave the building!

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