President Obama is killing his own legislation, one executive order at a time.

At the outset, he honored the authority of Congress enough to repeal piecemeal his legislative ordeal.

But when it came to saving his seat in the White House, or ensuring that his party stayed in power in the US Senate, President Obama pulled out every stop, even to unilaterally writing his own law.

If he liked his legislation, then why didn't he keep it?

He promised a fixed amount, and nothing greater, in terms of costs for his health care plan.

That was a lie.

He promised that if you like your health plan, that you could keep your health plan.

No running from the obvious:
Obamacare Delayed is Obamacare Denied

Instead of people keeping their health plan, Americans are losing their coverage. From Louisiana to Michigan to California to New York, people are losing their health insurance.

Obama promised that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Medical professionals are resigning their profession because of this law. Even in Massachusetts, where the original template, the blue print of Obamacare was enacted, doctors will face massive fines if they do not convert all their patients' files to electronic forms.

Now patients are discovering even when the purchase Obamacare plans, that they will not cover their surgeries or other specific operations. We have already been victimized by a tyrannical government which forces individuals to purchase something which they cannot afford, and now businesses have to provide this extra coverage which they cannot afford.

President Obama has unilaterally delayed on unseemly provision after another of his singular stupid law.

Twice he has pushed back the employer mandate. Democratic lawmakers are now pressing for an individual year delay of this awful law.

Without saying it in so many words, President Obamacare has delayed the individual mandate-tax until 2016.

How convenient, and yet how conniving, corrupt, and ultimately inconsequential/

The damage is done. Obamacare delayed has become Obamacare denied, and now this country may witness a new birth of freedom, a revolution which pushes back the federal government for the first time in decades, if not centuries.

Obamcare delayed is now Obamacare denied, and Obama can no longer deny that his delays signal that the American People are right, and this law must be repealed.

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