Obama threatens to attack Iran if they proceed to build nuclear weapons. Then in a neutralizing shift within the same speech, he demands that Israel back off on a preemptive strike against the regime.

If Israel must strike to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, then the United States diplomatic corps has no right or authority to be telling Jerusalem or Tel Aviv how and when to fire.

Since when has a presidency become so arrogant as to deign to dictate to a sovereign country when they may attack to defend themselves? This is bitter insanity at best. President Obama has exposed himself time and again as such an adherent to liberal internationalism, I would not be surprised if he bided his time should Iran final test a nuclear weapon, whether in a barren land in Iran or right in the heart of the Jewish State.

President Obama, shut up and sit down. Let the Jewish State take care of herself during this existential crisis. In the Book of Esther, Haman the Agaggite failed to wipe out the Jews during the reign of King Darius. Instead, he and his sons were hanged on the very gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai and his people. Perhaps President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a descendant (at least in spirit) of that hateful man, will suffer the same fate. Already the Iranian President's party has lost power to a conservative surge in his nation's legislative body. He has alienated Great Britain and surrounding Muslim states. He has harassed the standing and well-being of his own people, many of which have twice demonstrated against his regime. Ahmadinjad has faced more pressure from his own people than the United States, a telling development which suggest that Obama's posturing has not only failed to command any respect, but has now become sidelined in the midst of looming international worries across the globe.

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