A Bad Joke
Exposes a Bad Run
President Barack Obama has visited seven fundraisers in the past forty-eight hours. Even if the country is borrowing billions every day to spend on programs that we do not need, at least he is putting his community organizer skills to good use for his own sake.

Doesn't he have something better to do, like, I don't know — running the country? With ambassadors killed in North Africa, with a debt crisis dragging down Europe and threatening the already precarious fiscal house in the United States, with debt and deficits damning the destiny of this country, one would think that the Chief Executive of the United States would have something better to do instead of raise money for his own campaign while contemplating raising taxes on hard-working families (ObamaCare) and businesses (The about to expire Bush Tax Cuts.

He cannot run on his record — failed stimulus, ObamaCare (Which a majority of people do not care for, including Democratic US Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren), Cap and Trade (which thankfully died in the Senate). Then there is gaffe-prone Biden who has widened the gap for Mr. President’s now shaky reelection prospects.

Recent reports indicate that the unemployment level has dropped below 8% for the first time. Yet even then, Obama pledged that government spending on steroids would have brought the unemployment down to 6% by now. This new statistic fails to outline that growing number of people who have given up looking for work, anyway. Even former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has belabored how few people have given up going into the labor market.

So, Obama cannot run on his record. He cannot run from his run of failures. Instead, he runs from one fundraiser after another, including a stop in Boston Massachusetts, where he adopted some "Slick Willy" Clinton charm, even biting his lips in mock regret for bringing up the Red Sox' trade of third baseman Kevin Youkilis to the Chicago White Sox.

The Red to White transfer is the last thing that President Obama should have brought up, receiving nothing but hearty boos following this losing attempt to warm up the crowd. Let’s talk about the White to Red transfer of wealth, instead, in which an unprecedented number of food stamps recipients has exploded across the country. How about his failed attempts at amnesty – in truth, merely vote-pandering – which has now made the fate of millions of undocumented youth even more precarious. Instead of executing a non-enforcement mandate, Obama should have granted a full amnesty, but that would have offended private citizens, security personnel, and business interests on both sides of the political spectrum. Or he could simply enforce the immigration laws on the books, bring our troops home from Afghanistan, and send them to patrol the border.

Some have joked, following the uproar over the Youkilis remark, that this is the way Obama lost Massachusetts. Polls declare that Obama still maintains a double-digit lead over Governor Mitt Romney, who chose not to run for reelection in the Bay State. Still, more gaffes like this, if they were severe and consistent enough, could slide the Bay State toward the Red Camp for the first time since 1984. The Bay State is already witnessing an established Republican state Senator — Richard Tisei — take on the corrupted and over-drawn Congressman John Tierney in the new Sixth Congressional District in the Northwest Corner of the state. Let us not forget 2010, either, where another baseball gaffe, when Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley confused who was playing for the Red Sox cost, helped Wrentham state senator Scott Brown pull ahead from a seventh-inning stretch to winning “The People’s Seat” by five points in the 3-to-1 Democratic Bay State. Pundits and politicians assumed that the Democratic successor merely had to bunt her way into a win. Yet the conservative candidate took the home run, and the game.

I believe that true to their American Revolutionary roots, the people of Massachusetts resist tyranny in all forms, whether from across the pond two hundred years ago or across the Beltway two weeks ago. ObamaCare, and now, is the tipping point for many voters, yet all the President can sing is “Take me out to the ball game.” When will he bring this country back into a roaring recovery?

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