It’s official: President Barack Obama is as unpopular as
George W. Bush was during his fifth year in office. While polling is a fickle
means for assessing the efficacy of the commander-in-chief, the argument that
President Obama would get a pass from the passing media is no longer the case.
Besides, the same media conglomerates which heralded, even buoyed this US
Senator-turned-President into the White House have faced the technological
revolution of information with a stoic resistance to reform. His decline
coincides with the growing failure of “Gimme!” Government throughout the country,
which has delivered nothing but bankruptcy and loss, along with the demise of the
current liberal media-ocracy.

While liberal mouth-pieces like The Boston Globe and The Los
Angeles Times
lose readers and revenue, the relevant, conservative spokesmen
have not run away from the narrative nailing Obama and his flailing legacy

Fox News Contributor George Will compared the Obama
administration’s fifth year to Richard Nixon’s: the worst in modern history. In
fact, alleged the Washington Post columnist, one would argue that Obama’s is
worse. The revelations of scandals have taken to the front page in the The New York Times as well as The Wall Street Journal, too.

Despite the struggling attempts to justify, or at least
cover up for the President, more liberal organs are opening their eyes to the
unpleasant realities of President Obama’s

No longer feeling a tingle up his leg, Obama cheerleader MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthew’s has lined
up the failures of the Obama administration behind the Obamacare
fallout-rollout. Should the disastrous initiative fail to comply and provided,
Obama’s approval numbers will hit the twenties, Matthews has conceded. Of
course, MSNBC fellow-journalist had
blasted the Obama Administration for seizing phone records for AP reporters.

Countering the surface information offered by Matthews, Breitbart’s Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro
admitted that Obama’s approval ratings would have hit the twenties by now, but
for the profligacy of the federal government, from food stamps to tax credits,
to health insurance subsidies.  “We give
you free stuff!” should be the Democratic Party’s mantra, Shapiro laughed.

 Now, most of us would
have  never believed to hear the media
crow about President Obama’s descending unpopularity, but the media has
relentlessly pressed against the failures of the Obamacare website,

Other factors should rise to the media forefront, as well.
The underreported statistics of the underemployed cannot remain latent forever.
Professionals who have profiled their skills online, on billboards, and with
any passerby will attest that long-term job loss has hurt more than their
pocketbooks. Unemployment insurance is running out, and Washington has nothing
to offer but empty promises and hyperpartisanship.

Moreover, the “free stuff” which Ben Shapiro complained
about is not so free, at all.

For those who lined up for better health care plans are
finding that Obamacare is a careless price increase, one which has forever
disrupted the insurance industry markets while pushing out doctors and pushing
down hospitals. Liberal champions of Obamacare are shocked to find that their
premiums have risen, or their insurance plans have been cancelled. Republicans
have offered reforms to protect current plans for frustrated clients, yet the
laws of supply and demand upended by government intervention will not permit
the President and his colleagues to stave off the inevitable, unintended (?)
consequences of the Affordable Care Act.

Welfare, food stamps, and get-by subsidies are eating away
at men and women’s capacity to live and thrive. How much longer will the
workforce of the decade past settle for bits and pieces from a federal government
which cannot pay its own bills? The US Congress took steps to cut the
supplemental nutrition subsidies, and for good reason: food stamp takings have
increased, even though the national economy has improved. Obama’s executive orders
have gutted welfare-to-work, yet more unemployed will find that welfare simply
does not work for getting them through from month to month.

From the welfare culture flourishes generational poverty,  a curse eating up ghettoes and impoverished
neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles and urban regions throughout the country.
Poor mothers will not sit and succumb to unending failure for their children.
Already, South LA mothers have pulled the parent-trigger lever to take over
failing, impoverished local schools, with more to follow.

The unsustainable spending of years prior has cut off the
golden years of expectant seniors, too. Pensioners are finding that they cannot
depend on their local, and even state governments, to fulfill their contractual
obligations to their retired employees. Detroit’s creditors, all thousands plus
more, lined up for three minutes each before an overworked federal judge to
contest the bankruptcy proceedings to save Motor City. Central Falls, Rhode
Island filed for bankruptcy protection, with every public safety retiree taking
a haircut (or scalping) to their pension. The entire state restructured pensions,
to every public worker’s hurt. Four California cities have also gone bankrupt,
further decimating the declining revenue in Sacramento, too.

President Obama’s approval ratings will dip as more
Americans find their opportunities diminished by the dimmed promises and
dysfunctional policies of a President who epitomizes the hollow follies of “Gimme!”
governing, which has taken rather than delivered.
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