NYC Mayor Blah Blah De Blasio:
More Liberal Lunacy
Progressive New York City Mayor Blah
Blah Bill de Blasio is regressing all the more. Not content to rally for
horses, not just bringing a bevy of higher taxes, now he is waging war on
charter schools, St. Patrick's Day, and the traditional, civic holiday calendar.

About charter schools, De Blasio has declared war against the successful
education reforms, according to the New York Post. Specifically, the city is prepared to
 transfer $210 million intended for charter schools to invest in opening
up 2,000 seats for public school pre-kindergarten. This infantile move is all
about creating more union jobs for the "progressive" mayor's
political machine. More union jobs, more union dues, more easy donations to the
Democratic Party. "Boss" Tweed must be weeping in heaven (or in
Hell's Kitchen) that he never engineered so easy a political machinery

Of course, not only will students in hard-hit, lower income areas suffer, since
non-union, privately-owned charter schools have helped close the achievement
gap while offering struggling students a better education free from
bureaucratic micromanaging and politicized domineering. De Blasio's selfish
stunt against public education cannot go unchecked.

Then there's the brouhaha over St. Patrick's Day. As if the Irish
saint's move to rid Ireland of all serpents was not enough, another snake in
city hall has declared his refusal to march in New York City's St. Patty's Day
Parade. The snake is De Blasio, and his reason? The parade organizers have
refused to permit openly gay members to march and demonstrate their
"pride." Twenty years ago, uber-liberal David Dinkins boycotted the
parade (no one gave a dink), and De Blasio, casting some gold coins to his
leftist supporters, is following suit.

The rainbow has seven colors, and leads to a pot of gold for all, according to
Irish legend. For the NYC mayor, though, the rainbow of gay pride (minus
the indigo) should rise and cover the parade, too.

William Donohue, president of the Catholic League, did not take the slight
sitting down, but getting his Irish dander up, punched back, “delighted” to
avoid “a public official who does not want to be associated with Irish
Catholics.” Donohue
further clarified the situation
, responding that individuals and group
floats must honor the saint, and cannot tout their own agenda in the parade.

Virulent liberals are beginning to realize that pandering to one interest group
in the name of the oft-misunderstood concept of "fairness" will
garner calls of bigotry and unfairness from other groups, including many of New
York City's Irish-Catholics, the majority of whom do not approve of gay
marriage, and whose leaders reject homosexuality as an internal disordered form
of conduct. Despite the confused spin of the Mainstream Media, populist Pope
Francis does not endorse homosexuality, either, but remarks that condemnation
is not the way to reach out to anyone with the Gospel.

De Blasio is boycotting the
Irish-American parade, yet in spirit he is affirming the Irish-Americans in his
city, as “boycott” is an Irish invention, to begin with, so the joke’s on Mayor

And speaking of pandering to minorities, De Blasio has offered to extend
the number of religious holidays in the academic year to include the
Lunar New Year and the Muslim holidays  Eid al-Fitr and Eid
al-Adha, according to the
New York Daily News
. For a man who wants to promote gay rights, does the
mayor realize that the Muslim religion also dismisses homosexuality as sin?
Remarkable. In the vested interests of inclusion, liberals end up offending the
very diversity of interest groups whom they claim to care about. Not only that,
but De Blasio has reserved judgment on Hindu holidays. What would Vishnu and
the God Genash say? At this rate, the liberal mayor might as well as extended
holiday status to every day in the school year, since New York teacher are
resisting Common Core, and public schools in general are not offering the general
education that New York students need to compete in a global economy.

Besides the disruption to the academic
school year, De Blasio claims that he is not an atheist, but spiritual (not
religious), and
. Perhaps he’s ecumenical and holistic in his views on the
supernatural, yet his affront to life, conservatives, and ethnic groups in New
York City demonstrate that his professed religious, secular liberalism, is not
just his rallying point, but a belief system which he is pressed to impose on
the NYC populace.

From attacking charter schools (and
public education freedom and access) to insulting Irish-American New Yorkers in
his vain attempt to curry favor with his leftist comrades and the vocal
gay-rights movement, to his insistence on broadening the recognized religious holidays,
Blah Blah De Blasio’s liberal lunacy knows no bounds (or boundaries, and
perhaps explains his rush to recognize the Lunar New Year!)
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