The TEA ( Taxed Enough Already) Party wants to end the outrageous spending that is bleeding this country to death and impoverishing future generations.

Such spending includes the wasteful subsidies to National Public Radio (NPR), especially considering what one of their top executives was caught saying in a private meeting with potential donors. One spokesman for NPR divulged the following in a private meeting:

"[Tea Partiers are] xenophobic, I mean basically they are; they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it's scary. They're seriously racist, racist people." One can hear the lingering touches of Obama's "clutching their guns and Bibles" condescension. By the way, since when did less government and more financial accountability become an attack on minorities? Government intervention has led to the long-term dysfunction of families and friends, schools and services in the community. If there's any clutching and gun-toting that we need to fear, it's from the government. Let's give the power back to individuals, families, and local communities.

A later comment: "The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people's personal lives and very fundamental Christian. I wouldn't even call it Christian. It's this weird evangelical kind of movement." The Tea Party does not advertise itself as Christian, but it is certainly not an anti-Christian movement.

Near the end, another comment on bias in the media: “Jews do kind of control the media or, I mean, certainly the Zionists and the people who have the interests in swaying media coverage toward a favorable direction of Israel.” This invidious remark alone is enough to merit shutting down the entire organization, not just cutting its federal subsidies. If nothing else, it's certain that the Jews, the Zionists, and the Israeli lobby do control NPR.

Such short-sighted, bigoted comments would suggest that these executives are the ones who ought to be seeing a psychiatrist, not Juan Williams (a news analysts whom they had previously fired for trumped-up reasons).

Congress must cut NPR funding. They do not protect free speech, they do not even pretend to be open-minded when it comes to follow political matters, and it is quite apparent they hide subversive agendas. The Jew-baiting comments alone are enough to put an end to any federal funding for the left-wing news Organ.

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