Oh-La-La. Les
terroristes sont arrives! Les terroristes arrivent!
(The terrorists are
coming! The terrorists are here.)
 While sipping their
cafés in the café, partying in the now, what was once considered an event which
could never
happen exploded across the Quartier Latin,
at a well-attended soccer match,
and a popular music venue. An American rock band lost one of its members, and
other American citizens died from the gun shots and explosions from Islamic
militants. ISIS is assuming credit (and blame) for these horrific, atrocious
French residents in Southern California – and particularly
here in Torrance, CA could not help but share with me their concerns. “Si vous
etes chretien, il faut prier! (If you are a Christian, you need to pray!”) a
native Rwandan (they speak French) told me. A few Parisians themselves lamented
the fate of their fellow countrymen. However, their remarks of concern and condolences
brought out one of my few epic rants, especially during my working hours, when
I try to keep my political views private, or at least share them with
like-minded customers.
Frankly, my dear Frenchmen, the terrorists have been living
and thriving – or at least striving to get by – in run-down banlieux (suburbs)outside of Paris and
in nearby urban areas tor decades. The final manifestation of illiberal,
backward policies on immigration, national security, and culture came to a head
that terrible night.
How long could a country continue to welcome refugees from
hostile nations, where the residents had no contact or experience with liberal
democracy? Where natural rights are not affirmed, no one should be surprised
that the same inhabitants would not assimilate right away (or ever) within
Western nations. What made these problems worse, however, were the misguided
immigration policies throughout Europe, like guest worker programs. These
policies would allow migrants to live in France, but never provide them a final
pathway to full residency. Who wants legal status without citizenship? The de
fact second-class status conferred on these immigrants generated balkanized
neighborhoods of aggressive, frustrated minority populations, never able to get
along, or even to fit in. Those who can’t work break the law or terrorized the
Consider the nature of many French immigrants in the last
few decades: devout Muslims embracing their religion, including its calls for fatwah
and jihad. This wave of Islamic migration
did rise up suddenly, either Even as a college student at UC Irvine, working
toward a French major (although eventually settling for a minor), I learned
that Arab populations, particularly Muslim groups, were becoming more
prominent, and even precarious in France. One
popular booklet, “Le racisme, explique a
ma fille
, taught in one of
my French courses, attempted to paint a face of tolerance and mutual respect on
multiculturalism, including the now debunked assertion about different people:
“They are just like us.”
Non, mon cher. Migrants
who believe that women should be treated like slaves or animals, without any
rights which any man is bound to respect: they are NOT like us. A culture, a
religion which threats doubting individuals or outright apostates with death:
those values are in no way similar or parallel to the liberal Western ideal,
which honors individuals, their natural rights, which promotes liberty and
frames toleration within the context of respect for all, male and female, young
and old.
Of course, sadly, the commitment and enrichment of these
timeless values faced marked, if not irreversible decline in Europe, including
France. Just as in the United States, colleges are turning young people away
from the faith of their fathers and the facts on the ground. The Christian
faith, and the Judeo-Christian values which inform our Western values, had
ebbed away in “post-Christian” Europe. With nothing to believe in, there is
nothing to fight for. The inner decay has led to an outward display of apathy
and fear. Men and women in France are not having children anymore, and have
nothing to pass on to their country, or a posterity to maintain the livelihood
or legacy of Western thought. En somme, the
forces which have weakened France and her European neighbors prey to inward
annihilation and outward destruction have been long at work.
Indeed, Friday, November 13th, 2015, will be the
Day of Infamy for the French people, their 9-11, if you will. Yet this attack
was the final blow from the slow boil of Islamic militancy and terrorism in the
Gallic Republic. In January, the scurrilous secular rag Charlie Hebdo suffered
intense gunfire and murder. The world mourned, and freedom fighters around the
globe declared: Je Suis Charlie.
Then the French and the Europeans all around them continued
to play the jaded, fixed multiculturalism game. A latent sense of white guilt still
pervades Europe, and as the teeming masses of the Third World invade, Europe,
the lingering inhabitants still believe their plights is the fault of Western
Civilization, and therefore the norms, traditions, and legacies of the
sustaining and glorious must give way to barbarism and dark tyranny.
However, following the massacre of hundreds in the glowing midst
of the City of Lights, French leaders and civilians alike now recognize that the
devastation emanates from more than a fringe group or a bloody annoyance.
French President Francois Hollande declared: “This is an act of war.” French
bombers are returning fire, bombs, and mayhem on ISIS encampments in the Middle
East as we speak. France’s political force on the Right, Le Front National leader
and Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen
, has summoned the spirit of a
once-dispirited people, no longer secure, but certain in the notion that their
nation needs secure borders, good laws, and good arms. French Jews are flocking
to her party. Hopefully, French voters will elect her.

Indeed, today nous
sommes tous Parisiens
, enduring another strike against our ignorant and
dangerous complacency. A clash of civilizations is raging across the world, and
in a battlefield on city streets, strewn with the bodies of dead innocents, the
French are acknowledging its innate, inescapable seriousness.
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