The double-dealing about local unions’ hype about
Proposition 32 is the biggest fraud I have read in a long time in Random Lengths News.

“Prop. 32 would severely restrict the right of union members
to contribute money to support candidates and issues that benefit working people.”

I was a “member” of the United Teachers of Los Angeles – oh,
wait a second. . .Before joining the union, I noticed that a portion of paycheck
was taken away by UTLA – without my
. I had not even joined the union, yet the Union leaders were
already helping themselves to a portion of my paycheck.

In no way was I “contributing” to the union thuggocracy. As
a first-year teacher, I received no support or representation on behalf of my
union, apart from witnessing then UTLA chief AJ Duffy yell at the school board
every week. Still I had more than forty kids in every class. Still I was facing
off against unqualified counselors and department heads who had no interest in
helping out a new teacher like me. Still I had no protection from lying
students and harassing parents who knew that they could manipulate staff who
had no job protection.

I neglected to mention that UTLA dumped money on political
candidates and causes which I did not support,
and still do not, in large part because these interests demand raises,
kick-backs, and  benefits from the state,
which voters, or employees, like me have to pay for. So much for  “benefitting working people.”

Also far as representing the needs of “working people” is
concerned, I notice that Sacramento is not working for the people at all ,
refusing to pass a budget without accounting gimmicks, rosy projections which
wilt under the heat of economic realities, or projected tax increases which will
hurt everyone: consumers, job creators, rich 
and poor.

I support Prop. 32 and Citizens
and as a citizen of these United States and the Golden State of
California, I want an end to union interests pilfering my paycheck to pull
strings to pilfer state coffers again and again.
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