My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a male. It doesn’t
matter how I feel about it, or what you may think about it.  My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a
life-long resident of the state of California. I voted in the 2003 recall to
get rid of lame Governor Gray Davis. Fast forward 18 years, and I have collected
signatures to recall sham Governor Gavin Newsom. My name is Arthur Schaper. Who
I am is not going to change just because I feel differently from day to day.
This repetition of names and identities may seem trite and degrading, but it’s
important to the larger point that I wish to make.

Identity matters, and reality matters even more, especially
now in a time in which corporate, legacy media outlets routinely lie to our
faces, in which corporate interests, and even “American First” rabblerousers
and politicos seem interested in putting themselves first, ignoring the
foundational principles of our great constitutional republic.

Identity means very little without recognizing what is real.
Just because I feel like a nut does not mean I am one. Just because I want to
be President of the United States, or at least just because I wish President
Donald Trump were still in the White House does not mean that either I or he is
currently serving as President. Reality bites, even if it does not reflect
moral truth. But you have to bite in order to eat. The pangs of reality help
deal with worse pangs down the road. Reality matters. Conservatism can’t
conserve anything, let alone fight to gain anything, if we conservatives refuse
to tell the truth about issues. Wasn’t it a Soviet dissident who told people
“Live Not By Lies” as the first step to fighting tyranny?

Tyranny is based on lies, based on forcing people to go
along with lies, and that has been the modus operandi for California
politics for the last ten years. We hear about California as the 5th
largest economy in the world, and yet half of the population leaves their
homes, only to find homeless sprawled all over the sidewalks, with waste,
filth, and trash strewn about. We are told that California is a progressive
utopia, when the irony of the word is lost on them (utopia means “nowhere” in
Greek). There is no such thing as a progressive utopia. When the government
declares war on small businesses; kowtows to teachers unions who do not want to
teach students but still get a paycheck every month; enforces ridiculous
lockdowns with mask mandates which have nothing to do with science or
expertise, all while childing us to follow the science and listen to the
experts, you have tyranny, not utopia.

California needs principled governance to govern us out of
this mess. California is a mess, so messed up, it’s like a professional athlete
who won gold medals running arduous decathlons, only to wake up thirty years
later, declare to the world that he is actually a she, and that everyone should
celebrate this strange transition of events. Of course, the mess that is
California is aligned all to well with the mess that is Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner.
For biological fact and empirical reality, I will refer to Caitlyn as a he. It
is scientifically, surgically, and psychologically impossible for a man to
become a woman, and a woman to become a man. I just finished celebrating Mothers’
Day with other members of my local church, and it’s clear to me that not only
men and women are fundamentally different, but that being a mother—and becoming
a mother—is something that men cannot do.

We need new leadership in California.

That new leadership is not Caitlyn Jenner.

I am sickened that there are staunch, realistic, constitutionalist
who are willing to jump on the Bruce Jenner bender. Trump
voters are getting all giggly about this guy in drag. Even Sean Hannity gave
Cait a softball interview, when he (Cait, that is) actually said “I support
illegal immigration.” Following that slip of the tongue or a slip of the mind,
Hannity slipped in to correct the recently declared gubernatorial candidate.
“Thanks for having my back, Sean.”

Really. Really? Is this some kind of joke? Is this what
California has been reduced to?!

California needs not just one recall, but a Total Recall
(and not the Schwarzenegger kind). We need to recall what America is all about,
what California used to be all about. But at the very least, we need to recall
the fundamental basics, i.e. that there is male, there is female, and never the
two shall transition.

“Cait for Gov” is madness. Why would anyone want to elect
someone who is mentally ill to govern an entire state? Politicians are sick in
head by and large, but a man who wears a slip with a few plastic bags shoved in
his chest—that is just plain nuts!

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am not voting for Bruce,
Caitlyn, former Olympic Gold Medalist, whatever you want to call him (yes,
HIM). This identity politicking, left-lean pandering among conservatives, even
in liberal bastions like California, must stop.

Conservatives have been caving on the cultural issues for
too long. Reagan WON two national elections by fighting for life, against
abortion, for God, against secularism. Trump fought and won a number of
cultural fights, too. One would think that the conservative movement would have
learned the lesson by now that we need to fight, not flee, from contentious cultural
issues. Want to win black, Hispanic, Asian votes? You don’t win those cohorts
with social liberalism. How about some constitutional back-to-basics instead?
How about fighting for faith, family, and freedom? Whatever happened to
destroying the twin relics of barbarism, slavery and polygamy, which the
founding GOP targeted in 1854?

Yes, California needs to Recall Newsom, but Californians
must recall some sanity to California’s culture, and that starts with saying
the ever so obvious: “No, Jenner, No!”

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