Why would there be any discussion about DACA, the young illegals, or any other concerns?

What is going on in Washington DC?

Why would @realDonaldTrump grant amnesty to a million+ illegals who HATE HIM and those who voted for him? #NoAmnesty #EndDACA #DeportDACA pic.twitter.com/bR7fk7Ttnu

— Darren Espiritu (@SBDarren) September 16, 2017

I want to make sure that there is no amnesty. Giving amnesty or some kind of legal status to the "illegal kids" would trigger massive immigration from the same countries. Can we ever forget what happened in 2014? President Trump announced DACA in 2012. Then tens of thousands of young illegal aliens crowded the borders and surrendered themselves.

Breitbart Texas exposed the whole immigration fiasco, and the unintended consequences of all the "DREAMer" talk ended up cutting House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's career.

American citizens need to be the priority of the American government.

No more shame, no more guilt trips, and no more stalling.

No DACA! No amnesty! No racist USA!

What did InfoWars have to report?

I do agree with Alex Jones' assessment on the DACA issue versus all the other good that Trump has been doing.

It's only gotten better, by the way. The Trump Administration has cut off VISAs to countries which refuse to take back their illegal alien populations in our country. He has also ended contracts with illegal aliens in our military.

The wall is getting built–and that does include repairing the already extant fences.

But there should be no more amnesties whatsoever. I also believe that this country needs to curtail legal immigration and rethink the entire H-1B VISA program entirely.

Despite my concerns–and Jones' argument that right-wing immigration purists are just engaging in virtue signaling–I think that Trump has not stepped away from doing what is best.

After all, I went all over Congress over the past two days lobbying Congressmen to reject any DACA/amnesty deal.

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