The New Hampshire Republican Party is taking names and taking down bad Democrats in the Granite State.

This is how a state political party should act. They need to go on the offensive as much as possible. Every time a Democrat or a liberal, anti-conservative Independent elected official or group fails, falls, or commits a felony, they need to be held accountable.

This kind of news would never reach me or anyone else if everyday New Hampshire readers relied on the local or national mainstream media.

Where is the California Republican Party to go after these massive failures among California Democrats? Two Democratic assemblymembers have already resigned because of sexual assault and misconduct allegations.

The vast majority of California voters–and even California Republicans–do not know about these developments.

Let's get the word out! We can't make California Great Again unless California voters know how bad the Democrats have made it, and the Republicans demonstrate their willingness to fight on every angle to make things better for all Californians.

In the meantime, notice the time and effort which New Hampshire GOP leaders take to take down Democrats in their own state:

NH GOP Chair Jeanie Forrester Statement on Representative Kathy Rogers Pleading Guilty
For Immediate Release: 12/22/2017
Contact: Patrick Hynes, (202) 321-5310
CONCORD – NH GOP Chair Jeanie Forrester released the following statement on Democrat Representative Kathy Rogers pleading guilty to assaulting an election recount volunteer:
"The act of assaulting someone is unacceptable for anyone to commit – and when it is politically motivated by an elected official, it is especially despicable. Today, Democrat Representative Kathy Rogers pleaded guilty to assaulting a volunteer during a 2016 election recount. This news is startling and should lead directly to Representative Rogers' resignation from office. The fact that Democrat Party Chair Raymond Buckley and Democrat Minority Leader Steve Shurtleff showed up to signal their support for her is deeply disappointing.  We encourage New Hampshire Democrat leaders to send a strong message to Granite Staters that violence against anyone is not acceptable by demanding Representative Rogers to resign effective immediately." 

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