Lucas Papademos, the new "Papa of the People", an academic from Harvard, has come to the forefront of Greek politics.

He is now charged with restoring the leaking ship of state of the Aegean, which is sinking under the greatest debt burden in the Eurozone.

In a previous role as head of the Greek central bank, he helped usher Greece into the Eurozone.

The Hellenes are making a huge mistake. This man paved the way a land of tax-cheats and layabouts — who expect a pension after philosophizing for hours on end — to enter the Eurozone, when the national government was hiding toxic debt from its credits through the creative accounting of Lehman's Brothers, one of the first casualties of the Housing Bubble of 2007-2008.

Governments in fiscal crises do not need more academics who think, who think much of themselves, who think too much, period. Less Socrates, more Achilles, that's what the Greeks need!

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