Note: Due to time limitations, I was not able to read the entire statement, but the pertinent elements came through.

Good Evening, Mayor Macias and Huntington Park CA,
City Council.

My name is Arthur Christopher Schaper, a life-long
resident of Southern California, born and raised in Torrance.

Normally, I would not be attending a city council
meeting in South Eastern Los Angeles County, but when I discovered that this
city council had decided to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions —
Julian Zatarian, 21, and Francisco Medina, 29, —  I was offended and horrified at the rate in
which California representatives, city and state, have flouted the rule of law,
all while dishonoring legal residents and United States citizens, born and

Legal status, for those not fortunate to be born in
this great country, is a precious privilege, one which no legal authority has
the right to undermine. Whether we believe that the process of naturalization
is long and tortured, the fact remains: this country is a nation of laws not
men, and every person who seeks to be a citizen must do so legally. Every
person who seeks to serve in public capacity, under legal auspices, must be
legal residents.

It is inexcusable for this council to ignore legal,
moral, and historical precedent and determining to allow to illegal residents
to sit on city commissions. The argument that there is no law preventing this specific
action is completely irrelevant. Someone breaks the law is not entitled to
administer law based on a common sense understanding of legal enforcement and

Huntington Park City Council

In the late 1960s, Former Governor Ronald Reagan
lectured leaders of the University of California System than no one has the
right to break the law in the name of social protest. I echo the same
criticism, and condemn your actions. Every person sitting on this city council
took an oath to uphold the state and federal constitutions. “We the People”
implies “We the citizens” not “We the illegal aliens”.

Councilmember Johnny Pineda contends: "They
have been community volunteers for a lot of years," Pineda told KABC-TV.
"They've always given to the community … They just happen to be

I take great exception to Mr. Pineda’s political
correctness. They are not “undocumented”. They are not immigrants, either,
since the term implies legality. No, they are illegal aliens, for whatever
reason, and they are not entitled to continue breaking the law, regardless of
whatever good actions they engaged in prior. They are certainly not entitled to
serve on city commissions or have advisory influence on city or state matters,

This council should be ashamed for appointing two
illegals to sit on city commissions. Cities are designed to serve and protect citizens,
and only citizens and legal residents should be sitting on advisory boards and

Now, for
those who contend that outrage against illegal immigration in general and
against this council’s egregious actions in particular is racist or xenophobic,
I wish to inform this council and those listening that I have many friends of
all colors, who oppose illegal immigration, who do not believe in undermining
the rule of law to promote piecemeal, de facto amnesty. Hispanic groups in and
around this country are just as outraged about illegal immigration and border
security as much as any other interest in this state. Mexican-born comedian
Paul Rodriguez condemned illegal immigration on national television – CNN to be
precise. Farm Labor Union leader Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration and
certainly did not believe in pandering to it. Texas Congresswoman Barbara
Jordan, a Democrat, an African-American, and a liberal’s liberal, was one of
the fiercest opponents of illegal immigration and amnesty.

Last year,
in protest of the President’s unconstitutional executive amnesty, residents of
all colors and ages in Murrieta, California protested the relocation of illegal
aliens to their city and blocked those buses.

 Even Residents
of this city denounced this decision:

don't think it's right," said Rosa Maria Zambrano. "I guess in my
view that you ought to be a citizen in order to represent the city well. What
if they were suddenly deported or something, and they don't do their job?"

Linda Caraballo
said: "This is not helping the community. It is further dividing the
community.” She also said that his move gave the city bad publicity. She was

In audience a few weeks prior, one audience member
correctly shouted “Out of Order!” to this body. Another resident pointed out:
“We’re sending the wrong message: you can be illegal and you can come and work
for the city”.

A Paragon Insights poll found that Americans across
all ethnicities, income and age groups, and political affiliations supported tougher
rules for stopping illegal immigration including a majority of Hispanics (56%
to 37%).

There is a
long and growing uprising against any form of pandering to illegal aliens. I am
following their example and protesting this council’s appointments.

council should have heeded the advice of its lawful, legal residents. This
council must rescind its appointments of two illegal aliens to city commission.
Your actions are a flippant defiance to state and federal precedent, which
insult the millions of naturalized citizens who obeyed the law to become
citizens, and to every American who respects the rule of law.

Republican Neel Kashkari declared during his debate with Jerry Brown: "The
answer to the world's problems is not an open border."

Nor is it
sanctuary cities or in the case of Huntington Park, sanctuary advisory boards.

Thank you.
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