The Huntington Park city council played games with the audience on February Second, collapsing comment into one period.
They obviously do not want to stay until midnight again.
I wonder why they care? They don't have jobs or lives. They have no responsibilities, except to agitate for left-wing causes and do whatever Puppet-Master Efren Martinez tells them too.
Feb 2nd was a major win for We the People Rising and for this country. The city council had to cave and restore public comment to the middle of the meeting.
Nevertheless, I still spoke twice to the city council, and also read to them my flyer calling for their removal.
Here are the intended comments I wanted to share with the Huntington Park City Council:
Good Evening, Huntington Park City Council
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! We are still here!
Yes! You are under investigation!
Yes, the world is learning more about your corruption.
I want to applaud all the proud Americans of every
background for coming to this city council chambers  on January 19th, to denounce your decision to
appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions.
A few members of the audience reminded you that the verse on
that back wall “where there is no vision, the people perish”, has another part:
“He who keeps the law, happy—no blessed!—is he!”
You are not a happy group of people. You are not a blessed
group of people.
Because you do not hear, heed, respect, or keep the law.
Now, there are some voices, distorted and misinformed whom,
submit “What would Jesus do?” or “Jesus loves you and me, so therefore you can
The Gospel has never been an invitation to lawlessness.
Without secure borders, we have not liberty, no peace.

A few other scriptures to consider:
“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there
is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13: 1)
“Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the
king.” (1 Peter 2: 17)
Mayor Macias, I would have thought that the Sister of St.
Joseph of Carondelet would have taught you some righteousness, some godliness.
How sad to see how ungodly you have become.
Another verse:
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to
any people.” (Proverbs 14: 34)
Like the little boys of Cudahy, CA, you think that you can
decide what laws to keep and which to ignore.
You can’t. We won’t.
Rescind the appointments of the two illegal aliens Francisco
Medina and Julian Zataraian.
Reisgn your posts

Remind all cities and municipalities: fear God, honor the
king—in you case, We the People—and respect the rule of law!
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