I made two visits to the US Senators' offices in the Hart Building.
On Thursday, I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, but it was not too bad.
Most of the office lobbying took place on Monday, September 18, just before I had to fly back to Los Angeles.
One of my favorite office visits was to the Senior US Senator from Texas: John Cornyn.
He has gone on record supporting a DREAM Act type of legislation in the past. I hope that most of the Texans gave him a hard time over that kind of overreach.
I went to his office, prepared with the same selection of clips as I had shared with Mark Meadows' office staff.
The people in Cornyn's office were warm and welcoming.
They also gave me a Dr. Pepper, and in one of the baskets the staff provided bags of Skittles.
The businesses who manufacture those goods are located in Texas!
I would have to say that was the best part of the visit.
I am still waiting to hear what he will do regarding illegal immigration.
I want to ensure that American workers get first dibs on all jobs. I want to see more companies moving into the United States. Let's ensure that the best interests of our country, our rights as citizens are protected at all costs.