Good Evening, Huntington Park City Council
My name is Arthur Schaper, a member of We the People, and we
are rising.
As you can see, we are not going anywhere. This land is our
land, this country is our country. The rule of law will be honored, and you
will respect our sovereignty. Mr. Infanson declared that if thirty of us show
up, three hundred of your supporters would turn out. As you can  see, there are fewer people supporting this
council’s decision to appoint two illegal aliens to city commissions. Rescind
these appointments, resign your posts, and remind everyone in Southern California
and throughout the country: citizens are for citizens, and put the needs of
Americans first and foremost.
Now, let’s get down to business.
I received a letter from the city attorney, informing me
that the contents of Councilmember Sanabria’s writings were not available to
the public. Yet whether she is communicating with someone during the meeting or
not should be open to the public, since this is a public meeting.
I have forwarded this letter to the Public Integrity Office
of the LA County DA. Let’s see what they have to say about this matter. Speaking
of which. . .
All of you received a letter from the same office, and they
informed you clearly and convincingly that you violated Dr. Robert Newman and
my First Amendment rights.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
You are not getting away with anything. For too long, we the
people have been absent, living our lives, believing that locally elected
officials would do their job, and do it right. You have not done your job, and
you continue failing this community. You are exploiting two illegal aliens,
when you should be representing the legal residents in this city. You are not
enforcing the law on the streets because you do not respect the law in these
chambers. The Constitution begins with “We the people” and ends with “to the
people”, not the illegal aliens, not the corrupt government officials, and
certainly not the Mexican mafia or their political puppets.
Now, I want to make this transition, this restoration easier
for you.
I have hear a few applications for City Commissions
Assignments. I see that on the planning Commission, Councilmmber Amezquita has
not yet appointed someone. I therefore offer myself to be a planning
commission. Unlike to two which Pineda tapped for Parks and Rec and Health and
Education, I am a citizen of the United States and I Am serving this community.
Apparently based on the rules for commissions appointed, I do not have to be a
resident here. Then again, residency hasn’t matter much, since some of you ran
for office when you were living somewhere else.
Here is my application. I also encourage the appointments of Francisco Rivera and Nick Ionnidis.
For the record, We the People Rising will be visiting the
FBI, Congressman Ted Lieu’s Office, the US Attorney, and the state attorney
general to complain about this council’s numerous violations of federal and
state law, as well as the United States Constitution.
And we are working on a recall, too. Just make it easier for
yourselves. Rescind, resign, and remind.

Yes! Yes! Yes!
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