Good Evening Cudahy
City Council:                                                                                      [06/13/16
My name is Arthur
Schaper, a member of We the People Rising.
From parking fees, to
high fines, to spending sprees at the public expense, the city council seems
possessed with this demonic need to pay their private vendors, friends, and
other politically-connected contacts. Cudahy is no sanctuary city. The citizens
need sanctuary from the corruption, malfeasance, waste, and fraud plaguing this
Yet despite the
liberal, unnatural madness overtaking this town and its governing board, Mayor
Baru Sanchez dismissed the frequent protestors and insulted all the residents
with the following comments to La Opinion:
The recently published
article on alleged violations of the Ralph M. Brown Act and public comment in
the city of Cudahy is incorrect and incomplete. Although  the Attorney
of Los Angeles County sent a letter with recommendations to the city of Cudahy,
later reported to indicate that the
letter may have been premature allegations
. Attorney Los Angeles County he
never communicated with the city of Cudahy or prosecutor for review to
determine the position of the city.
District Attorney specifically rebuked this council for several violations of
the Brown Act, and noticed a systematic effort to suppress freedom of speech in
this council.

has been no letter produce for the press or the public to indicate that the
District Attorney backtracked on their comments. The videos on YouTube are
crystal clear. You have routinely violated the First Amendment rights of this
community. The damage is done. You have been exposed. You cannot deny that.
this comment was particularly offensive as well as false:
While we in the City of Cudahy respect the right of free
expression and the right to petition your government, we are also aware that
the role of government should work for all and the simple act to continue
driving city business should not be interrupted by a group of fanatics who only
seek to completely stop the function of local government.
I laughed out loud when I read
those comments.
You do not respect freedom of
expression.  You have reduced three
periods of public comment down to one. Instead of three minutes for each
period, we are allowed two.
And as for labeling the residents
of this city “fanatics” …
Wow. Such insipid abuse speaks for
Do the right thing.

Stop the waste, stop the
corruption, end the unsafe sanctuary city policy, and obey the rule of law.
Arthur Schaper

We the People Rising
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