Good evening, Torrance City Council:
My name is Arthur Schaper, long-time resident of Torrance,
and life-long citizen of the United States.
Finally, I have another good reason to speak to the city
I see that Community Choice Aggregation remains DOA in this
city – as it should. It does not serve the community, does not promote choice,
and aggregates power to the few at the expense of the rest of us.
I read some good news in the Daily Breeze, too, and written
by Nick Green of all people:
“Torrance quietly liberalizes its tough gun laws in wake of
two legal cases”
The key reason for this happening? To comply with a
far-reaching court ruling:
In that case, Peruta v. San Diego, the Ninth Circuit Court
of Appeals ruled that any law-abiding citizen has the right to carry a handgun
for lawful protection in public.
There is no other “good cause” than being an upstanding
legal resident.
I like reading about government agencies, whether local,
state or federal, which respect the natural rights and individual liberties of
our citizens.
Torrance has done the right thing in complying not just with
a federal court order, but respecting the spirit and letter of the United
States Constitution.
The Daily Breeze also reported about two very close to home
incidents in which law-abiding citizens protected themselves and their property
from potential assailants.
In Hawthorne, CA, former coach Jim Chadwick, now 90 years
old, fired a round at an intruder. He was sharp and aware, and did not kill the
man, who turned out to be a homeless and harmless drifter.
Nevertheless, the arguments which suggest that individuals
of a certain age should not possess a firearm are baseless and even immoral.
Just because a citizens is getting a Social Security check does not mean
he  no longer has a right to maintain his
own security with a firearm.
Another incident occurred in Redondo Beach, where a
homeowner fired at a potential burglar, who in turn was then arrested and
booked on suspciosn of burglarly.
There are many historical arguments which support the
individual right to keep and bear arms.
Judge Andrew Napolitano declared: “The Second Amendment is
not to shoot at a deer, but the right to shoot at the government if it is taken
over by tyrants.”

I wish that the city leaders had more openly announced the
liberalization of the city gun laws. With the rise in property crimes in the
region, sending a message loudly and clearly that more Torrance residents can –
and probably are already –armed with concealed weapons just might discourage
potential criminals from coming her to commit crimes in the first place!
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