Al Muratsuchi held another meeting, this time in North Redondo Beach.
One source informed me that North Redondo Beach is a key region in which Republicans need to improve their showing in order to be effective going into November.
I wanted to confront the Assemblyman because he voted to undermine our First Amendment Rights and take away from American citizens the right to pursue whatever therapy they wish.
Specifically, this event was hosted by Redondo Beach Councilman Christian Horvath, who represents Redondo Beach's Third District.
I saw him briefly in the parking lot of the Beach Cities Health District before entering the building. Horvath was immediately upset, and told me that if I interrupted or did anything untoward, he would have me removed from the town hall.
I had no intention of disrupting anything. I told him that everything would be fine, but that I had every right to be there because Al Muratsuchi is my assmeblyman.
He was not going to prevent me from holding Muratsuchi accountable for his terrible votes.
Within a few minutes, a police officer did arrive on scene.
I kindly greeted her, since there was nothing to worry about, and I didn't see any reason for the police to be concerned, either:

At one point, Horvath told me that there were children present, as though that means that adults cannot confront their elected officials and get them to do what is right for the community.

Soon, Sandy Wilson-White showed up.

It was good that she made it there to help out and hold the Assemblyman accountable.

Then there was this other guy wearing a Jimmy Hendrix shirt with the American flag on it.

Finally, Al showed up!

He wasn't too thrilled to see me there, that's for sure, and we could be certain that he didn't want to hear from me.

Too bad!

Christian Horvath talked a lot about people walking more. Since when was it the government's job, whether at the local or the state level, to tell us what to do? How to take care of ourselves?

Before Muratsuchi showed up, I had asked Christian about SB 54.

What steps was the city of Redondo Beach going to take to deal with SB 54, aka Sanctuary State.

Horvath actually admitted that he did not know about what the Public Safety Commission and their unanimous vote to bring forward an agenda item to the city council.

Of course, Sandy had her signs ready!

So did I!

Smile for the camera, Al!

Yes, there were police on site, but I refused to be intimidated!

I was really surprised, since Al not only noticed me, but insisted on talking to me and calling me out for being the previous President of the Beach Cities Republicans.

I am not sure why he brings this up, but I countered that this town hall was all about what he is supposed to be doing for the community. When I said that I wanted to start asking questions, he laughed nervously and changed the subject.

He tried to justify all the agendas based on climate change.

He wants to push an open borders agenda, too, but that never came into the discussion.

The focus for me was about AB 2943, the "Ban the Bible" legislation

The police stood by, quietly assessing the scene:

Here are the talking points which I had ready to share with the Assemblyman:

Assemblyman Muratsuchi ended up in the news over AB 2943 because had arrogantly retorted on the floor of the State Assembly that people in faith-based communities had to "evolve" on certain issues.

Faith does not evolve, especially Christian faith, which is rooted in God's Word. For the record, the Bible has worn out many hammers and has confounded many critics.

We had to protest his many excuses, distortions, and lies, as shown above:

I prepared to pass the full research on this issue to the Assemblyman at the end of the town hall:

Eric from Los Angeles stood up and asked a question, too:

Mauricio Chavez arrived later in the meeting to show his support for our cause against AB 2943:

Christian Horvath chimed in a few times to push his own views. He pleaded with the audience not to scrap the gas tax, claiming that the city would lose huge amounts of revenue.

Hey! There was already plenty of money in the "lock box" for transportation, roads, repairs etc for years. The issue is that most of the transportation money is going to transportation workers for pensions and benefits.

That is wrong!

Al Muratsuchi ended up making a half-hearted apology for claiming that people of faith have to "Evolve" on the issues.

But he refused to apologize for his vote for AB 2943, and he signalled that he intended to still vote for that anti-liberty monstrosity.


More people showed up for this event than I had expected.

The majority of people in the audience were from Redondo Beach, which goes to show that the residents in the city do seem to care about their city–or at least preserving as much as they can about the quality of life in the city.

It's a little disturbing to see so many residents unaware of the state legislature's ravages against the civil rights and liberties of the entire citizenry. How did people become so apathetic?

One of the members of the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly, Helen Trefflich, arrived, as did Sandy Wilson-White, and a few others who oppose Assemblyman Muratsuchi's corrupt, left-wing agenda.

I decided to play it calm and cool this time. It's not enough for me to be angry. I need more people to get angry and start hammering Al Muratsuchi for surrendering my rights.

Other people in the audience, including my friend Sandy, helped.

She was awesome!

Folks, you can have lots of fun mocking and shaming bad politicians. If more people show up, imagine the impact you can have!

Please make sure to join the fun with us next time!

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