According to party leaders near and dear to me, Charlie Munger Jr. currently controls the California Republican Party.

There is also a blog out there, the Munger Games, which is blasting his corrupting, illiberal influence on the state party to make it more left-leaning.

He and one of the state party leaders, Harmeet Dhillon tried to sue the writers of the Munger Games, but to no avail.

Munger does not like it when people criticize him behind pseudonyms and anonymous blogs.

Charles Munger Jr.

Fine then, Mr. Munger.

I will not hide behind any anonymous blog posts.

What you see, what I write, I will not run from, and you will plainly see who I am and what I am writing.

This party, this state, is not for sale.

The Republican Party cannot be a viable force in any way if the party chooses to be as left-leaning as the Democratic Party.

As George Will commented shortly after the first inauguration of the Obama Administration, we have two parties in this country for a reason.

As Charles Krauthammer had commented after the 2012 elections, the United States does not need two liberal (in name only) parties.

Who are you to use your inheritance to push a political party to the left?

Why are you dedicated to one party rule in the state of California?

What's the point of voting for Democrat-lite when Democrat-full is the real deal?

There is no fiscal conservatism without moral principles, Charlie.

Relativity belongs in physics, not politics, Mr. Munger, so get out of this hollow business of telling the Republican rank and file, the grassroots, and even the Establishment voters with slightly more sense whom they should support.

Instead of attacking Republicans, why don't you start educating people about the dangers of moral relativism? How about denouncing the corrosive progressivism which defines today's Democratic Party, as well as the immoral extent of the union lobby in Sacramento, in public education, and in our business communities?

One again, your expertise in physics (and spending your father's money) has falsely impressed on you the notion that you can dictate the proper dictates of a political party.

No, Mr. Munger, your hunger for power and influence is making the influence of Republican power absolutely powerless.

Did you tell Chairman Brulte to take union money, or is he telling you to support these "centrist" candidates to help create a "New Majority" (more like a permanent minority).

And what is with that stupid tie? Really?

Opposites attract, and every action will cause an equal and opposite reaction.

That's what physics should have taught you, and the same does apply to politics.

There may be multiple dimensions in the laboratory or college chalkboard, there may be worlds enough and time to debate the best ideas and platforms.

But in the real world, the limited three dimensions where no one has the time or energy for the insanity of doing the same thing over and over, right decisions must be made decisively.

The limits of time and space also inspire us to make the most of what we have, and make the best for those who will come after us. The dignity of choice means respect for life, the sanctity of marriage, the inherit right of self-defense, the power of private property and free trade to promote the most just outcomes, and the need for moral certainties to maintain freedom for natural and naturalized citizens.

It is time to cast the Munger Hunger for the GOP into a black hole.

Time to starve this beast.

Mr. Munger, take your hunger for power and influence somewhere else.

This California Republican and the California Republican Party are not for sale.

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