Dear MoveOn member,
Now that Republicans have rammed through their massive giveaway to corporate and billionaire donors, what's next?
It's simple, really: We must ensure that Republicans up and down the ballot are defeated in a landslide of historic proportions. To make that happen, in early 2018, MoveOn is launching a $15 million plan to win control of the House and Senate in next year's midterm elections and to stop Donald Trump and the GOP.
We need your help to make crucial upfront investments and then see the plan through, which is why I'm asking for your ongoing support.
Republicans, who lost the popular vote in 2016, had no base of popular support to pass this unpopular and costly tax giveaway to their 1-percent supporters. And they have no mandate. The bill is extremely unpopular, with just 33% of Americans supporting it.1 And, outrageously, 14 Republican senators will personally benefit from provisions shoehorned into the bill—as will Trump and his family.2
Now, it's up to us to make sure that Republicans pay the price for passing this bill. According to recent polling, Democrats have a 15-point lead over Republicans in a generic ballot for the House—Democrats biggest advantage so far.3 Meanwhile, Trump's approval rating has sunk to 32 percent—the lowest since he took office.4
Unpopularity this deep has the potential to result in a wave election that throws Republicans out of office at all levels.
We can take back the House and even the Senate and win seats in state legislatures across the country, if numbers like these hold. But that will only happen if voters turn out to vote. And in midterm election years, turnout is generally lower than in presidential election years—which is why what we do together is poised to make a huge difference.
Our "Resist and Win" election plan includes a massive mobilization powered by MoveOn's millions of members, in every state and congressional district. We will do everything possible, together, to ensure that voters turn out, vote, and throw Republicans out of office.
To reach voters, we will send text messages, knock on doors, donate to and volunteer to elect compelling candidates, train activists in electoral and movement organizing skills on an unprecedented scale, create videos, leverage social media networks, shape media coverage, and mobilize together in ways that have measurable and critical impact.
Can you chip in $5 a month and become a founding member of MoveOn's 2018 "Resist and Win" election program?
We need to help build a grassroots movement big enough to cause a Republican landslide defeat. Here's how we plan to do just that:
  • Endorse candidates all over the country in 2018. MoveOn members expect to endorse and support at least 100 candidates for the House, Senate champions, and 100 down-ballot candidates in state and local elections.
  • Build on to the tactics and technology that we developed and tested in 2017—tactics in the areas of recruitment, training, voter persuasion, mobilization, organizing, social media, mobile tools, tech, analytics, and video that helped lead to victories in Virginia and Alabama. In 2017, with partners, MoveOn led a series of "Ready to Resist" mass mobilizing calls that regularly engaged tens of thousands of MoveOn members and also organized a "Resistance Summer" training program that supported 1,000 MoveOn members across the country as they developed powerful organizing skills. MoveOn members mobilized and trained through these actions will play a key role in winning back power in 2018.
  • Put new tools and technology to work to win more elections. To help drive landslide victories, MoveOn's analytics team and Video Lab pioneered innovative social media persuasion testing and delivery technology that proved effective at persuading and turning out thousands of voters in both Virginia and Alabama. In addition, MoveOn’s tech and mobile teams developed a new peer-to-peer messaging platform, Spoke, that has already been responsible for mobilizing 60,000 grassroots actions. We will continue refining these tools to win in 2018.
  • Keep resisting and pushing for policies we believe in. Although Republicans have now passed one major piece of legislation, the Resistance has propelled substantial victories. We have repeatedly beaten back full repeal of the Affordable Care Act. Trump hasn't gotten his border wall. And, for the time being, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are safe—though the Tax Scam increases the threat to them, and we must fight to protect them. In the months and years ahead, we will push for our positive agenda—including, right now, the Dream Act.
Can you chip in $5 a month and become a founding member of MoveOn's 2018 "Resist and Win" program? Your ongoing support will help MoveOn build a grassroots movement big enough to create a Republican landslide defeat.
Republicans just robbed millions of Americans, you and me included, in order to please their wealthy and powerful donors with unnecessary and irresponsible tax cuts. Let's make sure that they pay the price. Even as we are fighting for the Dream Act, for children's health, to protect the Mueller investigation, and against a GOP government shutdown, we need to invest in the elections less than 11 months away.
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