
This is quite a telling development! Jack Posobiec has been complaining about Dr. Mehmet Oz' campaign for the United States Senate. He has never liked this candidate, and granted Oz has a number of liberal positions and views in his past.

However, President Donald Trump did not have a conservative record or rhetoric when he launched his presidential campaign, yet in many ways he surpassed many of the "all talk" conservatives

Dear MoveOn member,

We often send you emails, especially in these days of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, about all the awful things the GOP is doing and how we need to stop them. All that is true, of course, but this is a different kind of email.

Today, we want to talk about someone we think you should support simply because of his character, his commitment to our values, and how great we think he will be as a United States senator.

His name is John Fetterman, and he's the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania.

John was born in York, Pennsylvania, to teenage parents, one of whom worked nights to put himself through college. After becoming a "Big Brother" as a young adult, he mentored his "Little," who had lost his father to AIDS and was losing his mother to the same. He then joined AmeriCorps and set up computer labs in Pittsburgh for adults trying to finish high school before setting up a program in Braddock, one of the poorest towns in Pennsylvania, to help high school dropouts get their GED.1

Within four years of starting that program, he became mayor, winning a crowded primary by a single vote.

Before we go on, we hope you'll consider donating $3—or whatever you can afford—to his campaign for Senate. We aren't asking you to give it to us, so that we can then give it to him. Instead, we want you to give it to his campaign directly, by clicking this link or either of the links below.

As mayor, and then later as lieutenant governor (yes, he went from mayor of a town with fewer than 2,000 residents to win statewide office!), John fought for LGBTQ+ rights, having officiated at one of the first same-sex marriages in his state. He called out a highway that was going to be built right through his town as "environmental racism," since his town of Braddock is 80% Black, and for years he has led the statewide fight for criminal justice reform. He has pushed for the innocent to be freed, for second chances for nonviolent offenders, and for the simple act of reducing the exorbitant fees associated with applying for parole or a pardon.2

And now as a candidate for U.S. Senate, John has not shied away from the core progressive values he has always fought for. These bullets are directly from his website, so you can see it in his own words:

  • "The minimum wage should be a living wage of at least $15 an hour."
  • "Health care is a fundamental human right."
  • "Climate change is an existential threat."
  • "Black Lives Matter."
  • "The union way of life is sacred."
  • "A woman's right to an abortion is non-negotiable."
  • "LGBTQIA+ communities deserve equal protections under the law."
  • "Get corporate money out of politics. (John refuses contributions from corporate PACs, and he signed the "No Fossil Fuel Money" Pledge.)"3

That's why we are asking you to give directly to his campaign today. Chip in $3—or any size donation will help, as he is refusing corporate PAC money and his opponent is self-funding to the tune of over ten millions dollars so far.4

But just in case the case for John is not strong enough for you, here are a few things you should know about his opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Yes, that Dr. Oz.

The same Dr. Oz who was a carnival barker on TV (does that sound familiar?) selling miracle cures and bilking vulnerable Americans out of money they desperately needed for real health care. The same Dr. Oz who falsely proclaimed that green coffee extract was a "magic weight loss cure for every body type."5

The same Dr. Oz who was endorsed by Trump and who mentioned him 70 times on his Twitter account leading up to his primary win but who then quickly took Trump's picture down in order to hide that fact from swing voters in the general election.6

So whether you are looking for a real progressive working-class hero who will bring a voice to the Senate we have not seen in a generation, or you simply want to keep a former circus act out of the U.S. Senate who will put Mitch McConnell and the GOP back in power, we hope you will give today.

Thanks for all you do.

–Chris, Emily, Nakia, Kenia, and the rest of the team


1. "John's Story," Fetterman, accessed August 13, 2022

2. Ibid.

3. "John on the Issues," Fetterman, accessed August 13, 2022

4. "A self-funded campaign and sliding poll numbers point to trouble for Dr. Oz in Senate race," Yahoo News, August 8, 2022

5. "Dr. Oz Grilled In Congress, Admits Weight Loss Products He Touts Don't Pass 'Scientific Muster,'" HuffPost, July 17, 2014

6. "Dr Oz backs away from Trump support after GOP primary win," Yahoo Entertainment, June 22, 2022

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Federal candidates or officeholders mentioned above are not asking for more than $5,000 per calendar year from individuals or other federally permissible sources, nor are they asking for any funds from corporations, labor unions, or any other federally prohibited sources.


Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump and his allies are methodically enacting a plan to place some of Trump's most ardent supporters in key election offices that oversee vote counting, have the power to certify—or decertify—election results, and declare election winners and losers. We've launched a powerful, multimillion-dollar campaign to stop Trump. But we need your help to power our effort.

Will you chip in to power our campaign to defeat Trump and the GOP in 2022?

Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to Arthur Schaper on August 13, 2022. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. MoveOn's privacy policy was recently updated. To read our new privacy policy, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

I am more optimistic about this US Senate race!

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