I have repeated my views on this many times.'
I do not worry about what the President says, or what the headlines report him saying in any major newspaper or news site, even if it's Breitbart, Townhall.com. Young Cons, or The Daily Signal.
I am interested in what he does. I follow what his staffers do. His executive orders matters, his signatures on key pieces of legislation matter. His leadership decisions matter.
So, President Trump can say on Twitter that he will renege on building a wall and open the borders for everyone in the world to come to the United States.
But it does not matter what he says. It matters what he does–and what he is doing about illegal immigration. A new report indicates that the Department of Homeland Security has issued a memo to all DACA recipients that they must prepare to leave the country.
Actions matter, memoranda matter, executive actions matter–and those actions are fully in line with enforcing our immigration laws and placing priority need and focus on American citizens.
God bless Donald Trump!
Now there's more good news, even out of Congress.
Wobbly Republican Mike Coffman of Colorado wanted to launch a discharge petition to have his DACA extension bill voted on.
But now he has backed off–likely because the votes were never going to be there, and Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't want to be forced further into a corner exposing his own fecklessness on this issue.
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) said Thursday that he won’t pursue an
effort to force a vote on his bill to extend work permits and deferred
deportations for young undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

Coffman said he made an agreement with Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to
hold off on gathering support for his discharge petition for the bill, which
would extend protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) program for three years.

The media firestorm that has already erupted should make it crystal clear to anyone paying attention that theis Congress–like every Congress–will not tempt or play with the wrath of the American voters.
Men and women in this country do not want illegal immigration–it's that simple. They do not want amnesty–they have announced their opposition over and over again.

Coffman filed the discharge petition on Tuesday, which would need 218
signatures to trigger a House floor vote. Discharge petitions are typically
used by the House minority party to bring attention to legislation ignored by
the majority-party leadership — but are rarely successful.

Democrats are so busy still trying to demagogue this issue. They don't want to lose this emotional bargaining chip. They have never wanted to solve the immigration isssues with any kind of reform. All the way to to do is shame Republicans and middle-income working Americans to consolidate their corrupt hold on power.
Shame  on them! The Democratic Party created this illegal immigration mess. The Republican Party must style itself as the champion of working Americans and the national security for every citizen. They can take charge and enforce the law, without equivocation or guilt. 
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