More cities up and down the state of California are bucking the statist Democratic Party in Sacramento. They are demanding restoration of the rule of law at all costs.

Check out what the city of Ripon, in San Joaquin County, has just done!

Members of the Ripon City Council Tuesday agreed that illegal
immigration is a federal matter.
They were unanimous in voting to authorize City Attorney Thomas
Terpstra to join in the “amicus curiae briefs” — otherwise known as “friends of
the court” to those not a party to the litigation — in backing the federal
government’s legal challenge to the California Values Act also known as Senate
Bill 54.

The movement is growing. Cities big and small are tired of getting pushed around by the lawless lawmakers in Sacramento, along with the brazen open border bigots who want everything handed to them from the hands and mouths of the taxpayers fighting to stay afloat in this overpriced, overburdened state.

Ripon now joins a small but growing list of cities and counties
throughout the state in supporting the federal government’s lawsuit against
California’s Sanctuary State decision.
SB 54 has extended local protections for immigrants living in
California without legal documentation.

The list has gotten much larger. Not only that, but readers in the region are demanding that Manteca step up and join the list, too.

Council also voted 5-0 to support the Reducing and Keeping California
Safe Act of 2018, which is a petition circulating that could be on the November


Restuccia, meanwhile, requested that his colleagues express their
intent to comply with federal immigration law, in particular, when it comes to
public safety.

Council took an oath to support both federal and state government, he

The California Values Act bans state and local police agencies —
excluding the state Department of Correction and Rehabilitation — from
enforcing holds on people in custody. It also blocks police from being
deputized as immigration agents and prohibits local officers from inquiring
into one’s immigration status.

That is wrong! Since when does any state pass a law which endangers law enforcement and law-abiding citizens? This is crazy!

Only one guy would think that this is acceptable:

Ripon Police Chief Ed Ormonde said his officers would have been “torn
to protect and serve.”
“There won’t be a tie-up with our police working with other agencies in
keeping our streets safe,” Councilman Jake Parks said.

Council made that clear by throwing their support behind federal law.
This is all great news.
I am so happy to see the rule of law winning out all over the state.
We need to see more victories, however, and we need more counties to get a backbone and stand up to Sanctuary State lawlessness!
Please contact me at for more information on how you can make a difference and get your city and county to opt out of Sanctuary State!

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