is not enough – condemnation, law, grace, these are more real to us. There is
something in us human beings that will just not settle into victory. The uneasy
sense that we have done something wrong, that we still have to "do
something" always picks at us, even if the final sacrifice has been laid
down, and there is no further fear of punishment.

teacher was always telling me – "attitude is everything". That is
just not the case. If a man is dead in his trespasses, he needs a lot more than
an “Attitude adjustment.” We need help, health, life itself. We need someone
else to give us strength in our lives, because in our own efforts, we are mere
weak and beggarly elements.

is not enough to overcome the culture of disrespect running rampant in our
schools. An attitude adjustment has placed a greater burden on the teacher,
making it the teacher’s fault once again that the student does not learn.

students must be compelled into an attitude change, as well. The attitude of
most students, at least with substitutes, is that they do not have to listen to
you. A substitute is a second-class citizen, someone who does not deserve any

With a
culture of such pressure and demand, no wonder a growing number of teachers are
leaving the profession.

We need
a new heart, a new spirit,that informs our mind. We do not live in our heads,
we live in the Kingdom of God, we live in the Grace of God which has been given
to us, and our heart is now filled with the laws of Go, written in us by the
Holy Spirit, who convicts of righteousness.

with His grace and righteousness, not with our sin and weakness. That's better
than attitude. That is renewal of the mind in line with the divine lining the
inside of us!

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