More people have learned about what some leaders in RPLAC are trying to do to the Beach Cities Republicans.

Here is one comment:

What is going on here? Is Janice Webb still upset that BCR hosted the
event "Hispanics for Trump"? If anyone should be called in front of
the RPLAC is Janice Webb for calling your work place and asking Mr. Craig Huey
to apply pressure on you to cancel the event. I have attended the BCR meeting
in 2016 and I saw you and the club promoting all of our GOP candidates (Hadley,
Napalitano, Dr. Wright and Omar Navarro plus Pres.-Elect Donald Trump). The
fact that David Hadley lost was not your fault or the fault of your October
2016 event. His loss probably had something to do with him publishing an
article in July 2016 throwing Donald Trump under the bus and alienating the
conservative base. So why isn't David Hadley called on the carpet?
Two times Aurelio Matucci ran against you for president of BCR and
lost. Now he is starting his own conservative club. Why do we need another
conservative club. We have the Torrance-Lomita Republican Assembly (a chapter
of the CRA which is a conservative group that has been around for over 80
years), South LA Inglewood Republican Assembly (chapter of the CRA). Hasn't
anybody ever heard "united we stand, divided we fall"? If BCR and the
other current Republican clubs had free membership for a year or two years
(like the Beach Cities Impact Republicans) we would have memberships in the
hundreds too. The real test is what will the memberships of these new clubs be
once the free membership expires? Numerous conservative activists have asked me
why we need all these GOP clubs and why we can't just have one. I don't support
that idea but something has to be said about chartering all these new clubs who
may only have members because Todd Blair or Aurelio are handing out free
memberships. I believe what we are seeing is people who don't get their own way
throwing a temper tantrum and starting their own club.

What is happening to BCR wouldn't have happened under the leadership of
former LA County chairman Keith McCarthy. How do any Republican clubs know that
what is being done to your club won't be done to the rest of us? The words of
German Lutheran Church pastor Martin Niemoeller come to mind  "First they came for the Socialists, and
I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist … and there was no one left
to speak for me." 

What we need in
this state is GOP leaders like you who have a spine and take stands on issues
that the lame stream media, Democrats and their RINO allies don't consider to
be PC. Pres.-Elect Donald Trump has shown us the way on how we can stand up to
these folks and if we follow his example we can reach Johnnie Morgan's goal of
"Making California Red Again". It should be obvious to all that the
reason we don't win in California anymore is because there is nothing we
believe in anymore. The CA GOP has become Democrat Lite. On social/family
values you can't tell the GOP from the Democrats. I always hear that California
will have to hit rock bottom before it will turn around. My reply to that is
"they will just get shovels with longer handles and keep on digging".

Good luck and I hope the county GOP clubs will have the back of the BCR
because any of us could be next. Keep on fighting the good fight.
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
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