This one tweet encapsulates why the liberal mainstream media is in total freefall.

Hailey Branson-Potts (or is just Branson? Has she been divorced yet?), sent out the following tweet after the attacks and assaults I had endured in Berkeley this past weekend:

Vocal SoCal Trump supporter Arthur Schaper, known for disrupting public meetings, reportedly had MAGA gear taken & was cornered in Berkeley.

— Hailey Branson-Potts (@haileybranson) August 28, 2017

She writes "reportedly".

As if it weren't true or something?

The proper term is "actually", or how about not writing a qualifying adverb in the first place?

What does "reportedly" actually mean?

"According to what some say (used to express the speaker's belief that the information given is not necessarily true)."


Did Hailey even graduate from high school? What kind of grades did she earn in English Composition?

Reportedly, she's educated, but not from the poor journalism and word choice evident in her media.

I think the pictures speak for themselves:

Then after the Antifa mobs showed up:

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