What a great day to be in DC!
Look at all these wonderful Deplorables! Americans of all
backgrounds, and today we show the world that out of many, we are still one.
We are one nation under God, indivisible, and our flag flies
over a country where we seek liberty and justice for all … citizens.
For all … Americans.
It’s time for us to make it very clear. The United States of
America is a country for Americans.
Immigrants—those who come to this country legally, following
our pathway to citizenship—are welcome into the same legal and political
compact which the Framers of the Constitution, which our Founding Fathers
established in 1776 and then revised in 1787.
This country is indeed a haven for the hungry, the tired,
the downtrodden—who yearn for freedom, who want to share and promote the same
Judeo-Christian values we espouse in this great country; for those who respect
and desire the same governance based on limited government, individual liberty,
and constitutional rule.
What framework of government did our Founders devise?  Not a democracy, but “A Republic, if you can
keep it”, as Benjamin Franklin declared, the same sage elder who called on the
Constitutional Convention to open every meeting in prayer.
Now, what brings all of us here on this clear Saturday
So many incredible things.
We won November 8th, 2016.
What the political class downplayed, what the media
misrepresented, We the People took away with our heads held high.
We voted for a complete change in Washington DC. We demanded
that we take back authority, we took the first of many needed steps to restore
our power as citizens in our country. Life is honored again, family is
respected again. The Bill of Rights are treated as laws, not mere suggestions.
Jobs are up, the economy is growing, our foreign allies trust us again, and our
enemies fear us again.
And that’s a large part of why I am here today.
I am one of many Americans fed up with the corruption and
lawlessness which has engulfed this city and spread throughout the country.
When Barack Obama was elected President, I had hoped that
even though he was not my choice for President, he would indeed bring the Hope
and Change that this country was desperate for.
Instead, he gave us despair and the statist status quo. When
he and the Democratic Party—the party of slavery, secession, segregation, and
now socialism—shoved the Unaffordable Care Act down all of our throats—and in
spite of the massive outrage in opposition to that destructive government takeover—I
had had enough. I refused to sit back as some passive victim and tolerate such
arrogant abuse.
I began writing letters to my local paper.
I called my Congressman’s office.
I rallied with the Tea Party movement in my home town.
It still rattles me to this day that our government would
attempt such an unconstitutional takeover of our lives. That outrage propels us
today, and brings us all out here.
We sent a message loud and clear to Washington DC on
November: “We are as mad as hell—and we are not going to take this anymore.”
This phrase is not just a headline anymore. It’s a banner verse in our hearts
which we are carrying to every city council, governing board, and federal
agency in the country.
In a very strange sense, Obama’s election was a necessity.
So many of us, including myself, had become complacent. Never would we doubt
that our government would protect our rights and secure our borders, right?
After all, that is their job. But over the past 8 years, we did indeed see that
government had grown larger, and our prominence in our country had gotten
I went from writing letters to the local press to getting
editorials published locally as well as nationally. Today, I am a recognized
contributor to Townhall.com as well as Barbwire and Canada Free Press. After
all, other countries know that if there is no Free America, then the free world
as we know it will crumble, as well.
I got involved in my local Republican club, the Beach Cities
Republicans in 2012. Today, I am the President of that club, one of the largest
volunteer GOP clubs in Los Angeles County—one that has become so vocal and
effective that the corrupt central committee revoked our charter to silence us!
Another blow against the Establishment.
Since Trump’s election, I have worked with a wonderful,
widespread, and growing team of Trump supporters throughout Los Angeles County,
in the belly of the beast, the Deep Blue State of California. We have taken the
MAGA message to every corner of the county as well as the state. We are the
Resistance to the Resistance, and they can expect more if they refuse to accept
our existence!
Men and women in our movement have inspired more
Californians to step out of their comfort zones and fight back. After all, we
are citizens, and that means exercising our rights to ensure that the
government continues to protect them.
We have put elected officials on notice–both Democrats and
Republicans. If Democratic and progressive operatives think they have a right
to harass conservative elected officials, well, we have given Democratic
lawmakers a taste of their own medicine, and so much more. Maybe some of you
saw us shut down the corrupt, lawless attorney general of California Xavier
Becerra earlier this year?!
We are making it very clear to our elected officials:  We want California to be Great Again, Strong
Again, Golden Again, just as Trump and his MAGA agenda is making every other
corner of this country great again.
As one of 4.5 million Trump supporters from the Left Coast,
I can tell you that we refuse to leave our state or live like refugees in our
country. We have taken the MAGA message to Downtown Los Angeles, to the barrios
of Southeastern LA, to San Francisco, and even to Berkeley. I was attacked, massacred
by Antifa goons, all under the tacit consent of the inactive Berkeley police
department and the complicit Mayor Jesse Arreguin, who is a vocal supporter of
these left-wing gangs.
But their time is coming to an end. The press could not
record my sorry plight, as I sat crouched under the shade of a gas station
while hateful bigots chased me, stole my hat and cape, then pepper-sprayed me
and spat at me.
Their evil, however, has worked to our good. Even the
liberal press and the Wicked Witch of the West Coast Nancy Pelosi finally had
to admit that Antifa is evil, that their actions are wrong, and that Trump
supporters deserve to be heard, deserve to be respected.
It’s about time that Washington DC heard this message and
acted accordingly. We the People of the United States are here today. We intend
to see our government establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide
for the common defense, and secure the blessings—God Almighty’s divine
blessings—to all of us and to our posterity!
Thank you for letting me be here to speak with all of you!

God bless all of you, and God bless the United States of
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