At the Mother of All Rallies, there was a small smattering of anti-Trump protesters.
They had a minimal effect, and all of them were pushed out of the event without incident.
Canadians Love Trump–and the Mother of All Rallies!
Then came a small retinue from Black Lives Matter, New York.
For a short time, they stood on the outskirts of the Washington Mall near the rally location.
Here's the first video recording I took when Black Lives Matter showed up on scene:


Within seconds, I spoke to one of our most outspoken Blacks for Trump members.

The irony is just too much to ignore!

Then something really interesting happened.

Mohawk One took the stage, where he addressed the whole MOAR crowd to pay attention to him and not Black Lives Matter.

Instead of just putting them off to the side,

Here's the entire video of Black Lives Matter speaking at the Mother of All Rallies:


This was one of the most incredible reversals I have ever seen.
Normally, speakers will not allow interlopers or intruders to stand on the same stage.
The leadership for MOAR actually allowed the Pan-African, Black Power group not only to join the Black Trump supporters on stage, but also to speak their peace!
Mohawk One allowed them to join the stage if they would be uiet.
They refused to allow him to speak, so he called the federal police supervising the event and the National Park as a whole.
Within two minutes, Valentina Bankhead began singing the National Anthem. The organizers made it crystal clear to the watching world–our event would remain a positive, patriotic, pro-Trump event, and no one was going to take that away!
It was incredible.
Finally, the other MOAR leaders decided to all BLM a few minutes to speak their mind.
The BLM Organizer actually started out with some general statements about freedom of speech and American identity.
He actually said "All Lives Matter". Many of us cheered in the audience.
Then he offered that when a black life dies, when a black man is murdered by bad police, no one cares.
Everyone of us began booing. It's just not so!
They made other remarks that the crowd disagreed with, too. The event organizers asked the audience to respectfully let the Black Lives Matter leader speak. The rest of his BLM team stood behind him with their fists raised in Black Power defiance.
But this LMG leader did get his five minutes.
Then Will Johnson dropped the bomb on them!

"Why is that Black Lives Matter protests only when a white man kills a black man?"

Massive applause erupted from the crowd.
Then Johnson really upended the left-wing militant group's narrative:
"If black lives really matter to BLM, why aren't they protesting in Chicago?!"
All of us roared with applause and approval.
This sudden disruption ended up enhancing the Mother of All Rallies, and promoted the more open-minded truth about Trump supporters: we come from all backgrounds and reject racism and supremacies of any kind.
And it's time for the media to start reporting the truth!
The Trump Movement is sweeping across the country. MOAR's commitment to freedom of speech is real. We are not afraid of any differences of opinion, but do not expect any of us to cede the truth just because of a show of force!

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