This is nothing short of a miracle.

It's proof positive of God's Word, Work, and Will in our lives.
Thank you JESUS!
Even Governor Brown has to submit to the truth and the natural order of matters:

Undocumented immigrants and other non-citizens will not be
allowed to serve on state and local boards and commissions, despite recent
efforts to further integrate those living in California illegally into civic

This issue should have never been considered, let alone voted upon in any legislature.

One cannot imagine what would have happened should this bill had been signed into law.

Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday vetoed Senate Bill 174, which
would have authorized the appointment of any California resident over the age
of 18 to a civil office, regardless of immigration or citizenship status.


Now check out what Brown wrote in rejection of this terrible law:

“I believe existing law — which requires citizenship for
these forms of public service — is the better path,” Brown wrote in his veto
Sen. Ricardo Lara, the Bell Gardens Democrat who introduced
SB 174, said the citizenship requirement for state posts originated with anti-Chinese
immigrant discrimination in the 19th century and eliminating it would allow the
state to better serve its diverse communities.


I am sickened how the Brown Supremacy movement taking the plights of other ethnic groups to justify their lawlessness.

Chinese migrants in the United States did not break into the country.

Earlier in the year, the state Senate appointed Lizbeth
Mateo, a 33-year-old attorney and immigrant rights activist who came to the
United States from Mexico illegally with her family as a teenager, to an
advisory committee that aims to increase college access for low-income and
minority students.
This illegal alien needs to be removed from the commission and summarily deported, too.

I have informed her of her lawlessness:

@LizbethMateo Did you read what @JerryBrownGov wrote when he vetoed #SB174?

"I believe existing law–which requires citizenship for these forms of public service–is the better path."

Mateo, step down from #Cal_SOAP and self-deport.@calicrusader @tchuy03 @FAIRImmigration

— Arthur C. Schaper (@ArthurCSchaper) September 30, 2018

Lara said the veto is short-sighted. “If people have earned
the opportunity to serve through their experience and talents, we should invite
them to the table,” the statement said. “There was a time when Chinese
Americans, Japanese Americans, African Americans, and Catholics were prevented
from serving, and California cleared away those barriers. I predict that this
barrier will eventually fall.”

Ricardo Lara's hateful disregard for citizenship was worse than short-sighted. It was criminal and unconstitutional.
Brown on Thursday also vetoed Senate Bill 349, which would
have prohibited the civil arrest, inside a courthouse, of someone attending a
court proceeding or with legal business before the court.
The measure, also from Lara, was an attempt to block U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents from targeting immigrants for
arrest at California courthouses.

Brown commented:
“I support the underlying intent of this measure, but I am
concerned that it may have unintended consequences,” Brown wrote in his veto
message. He referenced the “sanctuary state” law, passed last year, which
tasked the California attorney general with developing guidelines for limiting
cooperation with federal immigration authorities at courthouses and other
public facilities.
“I believe the prudent path is to allow for that guidance to
be released before enacting new laws in this area,” Brown wrote.

Prudent path? Really. All this talk about "paths" is really interesting. All of a sudden, Jerry Brown is not rebelling against the federal government. How does anyone of us explain this change of heart?

Final Reflection

So, why did Governor Brown do the unthinkable and do the right thing?

Here are a few ideas:

1. California is extremely dependent on federal money now because
of the non-stop fires. Any more poking in the federal eyes could have
jeopardized lots of concerns.
2. The unintended consequences would have led to more ICE
raids and more deportations (which I am OK with)
3. California cities, counties, and the state as a whole
have already lost millions in federal grants. This would have made it much
4. Another costly lawsuit was all but certain.
5.Huntington Beach's victory in OC Court discouraged his
6. Democratic candidates all over the state are actually
losing, and signing off on SB 174 would have pushed voters over the top to
elect a GOP slate.

These efforts to limit the Democrat Party's immoral, irreverent depravity are too little, too late at this point.

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