While I attended a speaking engagement in Northern
California—really Northern, as in Siskiyou County, the heart of the original
resistance against Sacramento’s lawlessness—fellow Southern California patriots
were continuing their fight against the SB 54, aka the infamous Sanctuary State
Jurisdictions throughout California have gone on record
opposing the law, filing lawsuits or amicus curiae briefs with the Department
of Justice, or outright overriding the law through resolutions and ordinances.
Sadly, my home city of Torrance and the entire County of Los Angeles County have
remained stalwart against the movement. The city of San Dimas (home of Bill and
Ted—righteous!) discussed the issue, but the council majority chickened out and
refused to do anything. The originator of the motion, Councilman Ryan Vienna,
filed his own amicus brief notwithstanding the reticence of his colleagues.
What has held up Los Angeles County elected officials from
taking action? LA County is turning into San Francisco South, including the
rampant homelessness throughout Downtown Los Angeles. Yet at the same time, a
rapid gentrification process is pushing out working and middle-income
Angelenos. The rich are getting richer, and everyone else has gotten poorer or
fled the state. The Protest Culture is alive and well in the city of Angels,
since the heart of the Brown Supremacy, Open Borders, La Raza movement rests in
Los Angeles County. Downtown LA has witnessed anti-Trump protests not just in
the streets, but in the halls of power, city councils and the County Board of
It wasn’t like this before. At the turn of the 19th
to 20th centuries, Republicans dominated the entire county, and
Democrats didn’t field candidates. In the 1970s, Long Beach, CA enjoyed a
roaring red resurgence up to the 2000’s. Conservative firebrand Robert “B-One
Bob” Dornan was my Congressman when I was a baby. Is there hope for Los Angeles
County? Yes, and it’s shining forth specifically Santa Clarita, CA. While I
could not witness the latest victory, the enthusiasm from the audience, and the
grudging necessity of the press to report this growing backlash to illegal
immigration, was stunning, gratifying, and encouraging.
Santa Clarita is a relatively new municipality, established
in 1987, although the region celebrates a rich history from its early Spanish
land-grant days to the gold-mining craze which swept the state. Today, Santa
Clarita is the fourth most populous city in the county, and it shows why more Californians
flee the LA basin. Clean streets, beautiful neighborhoods, safety and
prosperity, plus a hot yet still attainable housing market have made Santa
Clarita an ideal destination for newlyweds and growing families. One activist who
lives there told me that Santa Clarita truly represents what America is—not the
rest of the county on the South side of the Antelope Valley.
Honestly, Santa Clarita feels more like the more
conservative, well-governed Orange County, yet concerned citizens have wondered
what it would take for the northern half of Los Angeles County to break away
and form its own county. They signaled their first clear break Wednesday
morning, when after six hours of testimony the city council voted unanimously
to oppose SB 54, file their resolution with every lawmaker in Sacramento, and
join the lawsuit against the state of California. 
Conservatives and the growing
Trump contingent in the region prepared for at least two months to press this
issue. Councilman, Robert Kellar introduced the motion in March, but no action
followed. Citizens in the city and throughout the county repeatedly contacted
the council to oppose SB 54. The local paper, as liberal as any other, released
a survey to gauge public sentiment. Initially, the poll skewed toward
opposition to any action. The local Indivisible group, left-wing activists
doing everything in their power to turn Santa Clarita blue and remove
Congressman Steve Knight (R-Palmdale).
Activists all over the region—and the country—filled in
their own responses, and we won the on-line poll. Next, victorious
conservatives from other counties connected with Santa Clarita residents and
prepared to attend the Santa Clarita City Council meeting. The agenda item to
oppose SB 54 came up on May 8th. Sanctuary State opponents outnumbered
the open borders activists 10-to-1 according to some reports. The frustration
and hope were palpable in the room. Many of the citizens who spoke at the
meeting are friends of mine, and they shared the same arguments which have
swayed city councils and county boards across the state.
The city council’s closing remarks before the vote were the
most moving. Councilman Bill Miranda castigated the open border partisans who
had threatened his elected office, since this year is an election year. “This
is not about getting elected. This about doing what is right.” He supported the
motion, despite the opposition’s increasingly desperate efforts to smear his
support because of his Latino ethnic background.
Councilman Cameron Smythe, who had served in the state
assembly before, slammed the state legislature for their egregious overreach.
He countered the tired arguments of the communist-sympathizing Left. “Sure,
there’s no property crime in Cuba—because there’s nothing to steal. No one’s
homeless, because the government tells you where to live.” The island dystopia
stations towers along the coastline. They aren’t lifeguard towers, but rather military
outposts designed to prevent Cubans from fleeing! That’s communism, and the final
goal of the open borders agenda.
Mayor Laurene Weste and Councilman Kellar reminded the
audience that illegals have murdered sheriff’s deputies in the region,
including Santa Clarita native David March.  The council affirmed their love of country and
constitution, then recognized the frustration of the audience with illegal
immigration, rising crime, and California politicians’ generous embrace of
lawlessness. With that, the Santa Clarita city council made history and voted
to opt out of SB 54.

The rest of the country may say that California is a lost
cause, but we the people of this Golden State have found a cause to rally
around to make our state great again, and the movement is spreading, even into
the most liberal enclaves in the state.

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