Republican Party of Minnesota
2200 East Franklin Ave
Suite 201
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(651) 222-0022

This Week in Pictures 

A Red Tsunami 

"Special elections didn't change the tilt of power at the state capitol. Candidates aren't necessarily hitting campaign trails just yet, but current lawmakers and party leaders are beginning to make the rounds."

Women Made the American Dream a Reality

"This month, we rightly honor what women have done to create the most extraordinary, humane, and liberating nation the world has ever known. I celebrate as the daughter of a courageous woman who entered the world as the subject of a king but was born an American in spirit, and later became one in fact. She taught me what being American means."

A Warning Sign for Democrats

"Why it matters: Democrats are defending 10 Senate seats in states that President Trump won in 2016. In six of those states, Trump's approval is higher than 50% (compared to 43% nationally). These numbers underscore how hard it will be for Democrats to pick up the two seats needed to win the majority despite Trump’s troubles."

So There Isn't a Blue Wave? 

"The national media are scaling back their prediction for a Democratic "blue wave" in the 2018 midterms, in light of a new poll that shows some Democrats are vulnerable and a healthy GOP turnout in Texas this week."

Jobs Report Crushes Expectations 

"The economy added 313,000 jobs in February, crushing expectations, while the unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent, according to a Labor Department report Friday that could help quell inflation fears."

Voters Happy with the Economy

"Half of all voters in the 10 states that voted for Trump but have Democratic senators say the economy is better off now than it was a year ago, according to new Axios/SurveyMonkey polls. And in nine of the states majorities approve of the GOP tax law.

GOP Women Working to Unseat Dems in 2018 

"The Republican National Committee just launched a new limited series called Lead Right, which showcases the foot soldiers to the RNC as the 2018 election cycle begins to heat up. The news media has an almost dogmatic presupposition that the GOP is an all-male and an all-white party. Yeah, it sounds good on a mailer. It reads perfectly on a voicemail script for phone calls. It’s perfect for neighborhood canvassers to tell voters as they knock on doors. It’s also total garbage.
Prepared and paid for by the Republican Party of Minnesota
Jennifer Carnahan, Chair
Not Authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee
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