RoboCop was a
sci-fi shoot-em-up from the late 1980s. The sequel explored the damaging
effects of the drug trade at length, but for the sake of comparison, the first
film will suffice. The setting of the movie takes place in a future dystopia of
Detroit, where gangs run rampant in a Detroit burned out and turned out. The
background for the movie focused on a Detroit police officer, killed in the
line of duty, who comes back to life, sort of, as a cyborg. Designed by a major
computer company, where one of the leaders has entered into corrupt collusion
with dirty cops and criminals, RoboCop takes on the scene to bring law and
order back to a scandal-plagued city.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

The dystopia of the movie resembles all too closely the
current economic and cultural malaise of Detroit, Michigan. Of course, a
computerized police force does not patrol Motor City, although mechanized
security may be the only way they city can maintain law and order without
breaking the bank with lavish pensions and benefits. Newly-elected Mayor Duggan
should consider the idea. RoboCop would never enter into collective bargaining,
and he would follow orders without demanding pay raises, overgenerous benefits,
or threatening work-actions.

However, a different RoboCop has made a comeback, but
instead of taking on Detroit, this new RoboCop has moved to Lansing, Michigan. Instead
of metal and machine, he has mettle and a mission. His name is Rick Snyder, a
successful businessman, computer entrepreneur, and now model leader.

Unlike his predecessors, Snyder is standing up to the
special interests in his state. Despite the storied origins of the labor
movement in the Wolverine State, a new leader of the pack is stepping up and
rallying Michiganders: pushing tax cuts and business credits, giving credit to
businesses as the source of wealth, well-being, and welfare for all residents.
The top RoboCop taking on population decline and economic malaise, Snyder
instituted an innovative policy, emergency managers, who would supervise
bankrupting cities and rearrange debts and spending. Since elected leaders,
city councilmembers, mayors, school board members never make the hard decision,
lest they lose their jobs. The most famous emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, has
taken on Detroit, steering the bankrupted city which has kicked the can of
unsustainable debt into dust.  Public
sector unions, like rampaging gangs stealing from residents through collective
bargaining, have met their match, and despite the creditor status of untold
thousands, the union leadership has shot itself.

Despite the slight setbacks of 2012, Republican Robocop
Synder’s party controls all statewide offices and both houses of the state
legislature. Taking cues from the brave examples of Wisconsin Governor Scott
Walker (comprehensive reforms to collective bargaining rights for public
employees) and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (tax cuts, privatized roads, and
budget surpluses despite the Great Recession), Snyder stopped standing to the
side and moved for bolder reforms for his state.

“Workplace fairness and equity” became the watch-word mantra,
yet Snyder was slyly dressing up in progressive language a comprehensive
legislative change for his state: a right to work law. Right to work in
Michigan? Michigan has one of the largest labor presences in the United States,
the home of the unionized auto industry.

Making his case to the Michigan populace, and by extension the
national polity, Snyder asserted that instead of forcing workers to join a
union and pay dues to keep their jobs, every union should earn the respect and
financing of every member. Opportunities for work should not mean forcing
workers to associate against their will (and in violation of the First
Amendment), let alone lose funding into a political compact which supports
candidates and causes contrary to the individual views and values of the
employee (a further violation of a worker’s rights).

The union bullies which had swarmed the state capital in
Wisconsin harnessed their efforts all the more in Lansing. Union thugs attacked
Conservative reporters, and national media affiliates recorded as violent labor
rebels tore down tents which protected and promote the supporters of Synder’s
right work legislation. Labor unions were facing lower numbers and lesser
influence, yet their dystopian behavior in the name of protest cemented the
inherent immorality of force and fiat which defines the modern labor movement

Taking advantage of the final weeks of the 2012 legislative
session, Republican RoboCop Snyder and his fellow Republicans passed RTW, and
businesses began moving to Michigan once again. A state which suffered
population decline for decades, the Great Lakes state is now shoring up
opportunities for the first time in a long time.

In leadership with his fellow enforcers of financial
prudence, Synder has taken laser-like aim on cutting medical costs, reforming
statewide financing, bringing down the costs of doing business, and
demonstrating that pragmatic focus on proving one’s mettle and accomplishing
the mission of restoring law and order, prosperity in perpetuity, can be done
once again in the Midwest, in the face of globalization and the radicalization
of the modern labor movement.

Republican RoboCop Snyder is the model for every American
Governor: serve, protect, provide, enforce, and subdue every obstacle to
economic growth and individual liberty.

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