The LA Weekly recently reported  that a potential Republican upset has been predicted in the predictably Democratic 49th Assembly District.

I am thrilled to find out that a limited government conservative may the first in a growing line of legislators to take back the Valley and make the Golden State shine again.

In contrast, state legislator Mike Eng should be ashamed of himself for refusing to vote in support of legislation that would expedite removing predators from our classrooms. I am not surprised that a growing number of Valley voters have rejected Eng's pick, Ed Chau, for the Assembly seat.

Matthew Lin for the 49th!

The 30% of decline-to-state voters in the region  may lean Democratic, but the entire state has leaned Democratic for the last ten years, with resulting debts, deficits, dysfunction, and dooming default have weighed on this state year after year.

Liberal or conservative, voters are starting to get the clue. They are tired of a political class which promises to give us everything, but the truth is that they have nothing left to give us.

This is not the way to run a state, and the people in the San Gabriel Valley are tired of it.

The 49th Assembly District may be 2-1 Democratic, but the voters are less inclined to vote in line with the letter next to their ballot, and more with the values of the candidate in mind.

Matthew Lin is a candid candidate, a wealthy millionaire who rose from a one-room hut to living it up in the Golden State.

Instead of demonizing with ravenous envy the men and women who have made their way in the world, it's time that we promote the wealth creators of this state, of this nation. It's time that government did just enough to provide us all that we need to set up shop, then get out of the way.

Matthew Lin has learned that the Republican party is not anti-minority or anti-working Californians, but is pro-growth, pro-freedom, and pro-accountability. This message is not lost on anyone who wants to make it in this country. Less government, more freedom, that is what Matthew Lin is all about.
I applaud Mr. Lin’s campaign, and he deserves to win!

To the voters of the Montebello region, please elect Matthew Lin for State Assembly.

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