MassResistance warned the world about Mitt "Gay Marriage" Romney.

Here's the full expose, and a chance to help MassResistance complete their fundraising goals:

We were on the job when nobody else would do it …
UPDATE: We're working hard to reach our $50,000 fundraising goal, which will then be matched by a generous donor – for a total of $100,000! As of today, we need to raise $7,710 by this Friday, Nov. 1, to get there. This will make a huge difference for our organization.

If you were planning to support a pro-family group this year, this is the time to do it because you will "double your money"!

What does your money do? Here’s just one example.

When “gay marriage” first came to the world (in Massachusetts), MassResistance was the only group that aggressively challenged the elected officials – including Gov. Mitt Romney.

Now, Mitt Romney is in the news again. He recently admitted to using a Twitter account under the fake name Pierre Delecto to attack the President and others.

But when Romney was Governor of Massachusetts, he was in the middle of a much bigger storm. In November 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court shocked the world by ruling that “gay marriage” must be implemented in the state.

Publicly, Romney was against it. He partnered with the mainstream pro-family groups to support a Constitutional Amendment to nullify the ruling. (Actually, it would still have allowed “gay” civil unions or domestic partnerships, though not “marriage”.)

MassResistance made the constitutional arguments for the Governor to halt “gay marriage” in Massachusetts. Our position was supported by prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly, Mike Huckabee, Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, and even Hugh Hewitt. But Romney ignored all of them and refused to use the Constitutional powers of the Governor to stop it (or even attempt to).

MassResistance suspected that Romney was being dishonest to conservatives. And we were right. Over several months, we uncovered how the Romney administration was secretly supporting “gay marriage” in Massachusetts:

We exposed how Romney’s staff set up “gay marriage” training sessions for public employees. He ordered Town Clerks across the state to perform and register “gay marriages” or else be fired. His administration was also working closely with major LGBT activists make sure they were satisfied with the progress. (During his campaign he promised them he’d be “gay friendly.”) And he never put his full support behind the Constitutional Amendment, which ultimately failed in the Legislature.

In addition, MassResistance wrote legislation to impeach the judges who made this illegal ruling. It was filed in the Massachusetts Legislature by two prominent pro-family Democrat State Reps! It didn’t pass, but it sent a strong message, despite the fact that Romney refused to support it.

No other group was willing to take this aggressive, bold, uncompromising action. And we continue to do it!

Finally, we documented it all. In 2011, our star researcher, Amy Contrada, published the groundbreaking book, Mitt Romney’s Deception: His Stealth Promotion of “Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts. The book also exposes Romney’s support of LGBT youth programs that most conservatives were unaware of.
Special offer

We really need to make this matching fundraising goal by Friday. All donations are really important. Please donate whatever you can!

But here’s our special offer: Anyone donating $1,000 or more toward this critical goal will receive a copy of this important book autographed by the author! This will surely be a collector’s item. (You can also buy the book here.)

Donations can also be mailed to:
MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454

NOTE: Donations to MassResistance are not tax-deductible. If you need to make a tax-deductible donation that will also go toward this goal, please call our office at 781-890-6001.

Thank you for all your your support. I will continue keeping you informed.


Brian Camenker, President

One of several banners from 2004 – carried by citizens outside the State House and other places across the state. [MassResistance photo]
Romney's infamous "Governor's Commission" in 2005 at the annual "Youth Pride" parade in front of the State House. A MassResistance exposé in 2006 caused him to temporarily disband it. Activists then persuaded the Legislature to make it into a separate state body. [MassResistance photo]
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