Peter LaBarbera, major ‘culture war’ fighter, joins MassResistance staff as we continue to expand

In the front-line battle, we’re raising the bar!

April 8, 2018

Peter LaBarbera is a top writer, speaker, and activist who doesn't back down. Here he's making a speech to a pro-family group in Wisconsin.
Peter LaBarbera, a premier front-line culture war fighter with a stellar career going back to the 1980s, has joined the MassResistance staff. “We are extremely fortunate to have Peter LaBarbera,” said Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance. “MassResistance has been expanding and we have needed someone of his caliber for a while. It will really bring our fight to a new level.”
These days, most people know Peter LaBarbera as president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), which has gained national stature. AFTAH will continue to post high-quality material on the LGBT issue, while working more closely with MassResistance.
“Pete truly understands this larger battle in a fundamental way that 95% of today’s pro-family leaders and activists simply haven’t grasped,” said Camenker. “The power of truth and not backing down – fearlessness – is so fundamental. I can’t overstate how important that is when confronting the vicious and militant LGBT movement infiltrating our schools and society.”

After this year's "conservative" CPAC convention banned MassResistance for being too aggressively pro-family, Peter LaBarbera went inside with a camera crew. He interviewed this cross-dressing man who, along with some others, was stridently promoting "transgender conservatives" at CPAC — without any pushback from the CPAC organizers.
It goes without saying that Pete is despised and vilified by the LGBT movement. Yet he is not afraid to go into their events or be interviewed in their media.

A stellar background

Peter LaBarbera is not only a top tier activist, writer, researcher, and spokesman in the front-line “culture war” battles. It’s also noteworthy that he was in this before almost anybody else in today’s pro-family movement (including Brian Camenker)!
Starting in 1984 he served as a contributing editor and reporter at Human Events,specializing in investigative articles on various hot-button political issues. (1984-2005)
After graduating from the University of Michigan, Pete began working for the late Reed Irvine, the ground-breaking conservative media critic, at Accuracy in Media.He edited and wrote for their publications Washington Inquirer and AIM Report,exposing and analyzing liberal bias in the media. He saw the genesis of what has become the LGBT stranglehold on the national media. (1985-1987)
At the Washington Times he worked as a reporter covering a range of national and international public policy issues. He interviewed Senators, Congressmen, and foreign leaders, and traveled to Central America to cover the Nicaraguan Contra freedom fighters (who were backed by President Reagan). (1987-1990)
Then in 1990, as a freelance reporter in Nicaragua, Pete was almost alone in predicting the stunning electoral victory of Violeta Chamorro over Marxist Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega – when almost the entire secular media assumed Ortega would win.
Back in Washington, DC, he then moved to Concerned Women for America,where he helped launch their monthly magazine Family Voice (at one point interviewing Vice President Dan Quayle) and also edited other CWA publications. He covered confrontational pro-life and pro-family activist events around the country. (1990-1993)
In 1993, after writing a piece for CWA on the rapidly escalating “gay” agenda, Pete began publishing The Lambda Report, a quarterly newspaper documenting the growing homosexual activist movement across the country – using homosexual sources. During its five-year run, it was a must-read for anyone who wanted to really know what was happening. It’s still considered the “gold standard” for reporting on that issue because of its thoroughness, yet clear easy-to-read journalistic style. (Unfortunately, it’s not available online.)

The Lambda Report from the 1990s is still considered the "gold standard" of reporting on this issue.
The Lambda Report also exposed disturbing “gay”-pedophile connections: LR’s exposé on the inclusion of pedophile groups – including NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man/Boy Love Association – in an international LGBT umbrella organization led to congressional passage of legislation banning U.S. fundingfor any group condoning adult-child sex. The bill was sponsored by the late conservative hero and Republican Senator Jesse Helms and signed into law in 1994 by Democratic President Bill Clinton. It remains on the books today, protecting innocent children from perverts.
In 1996 Pete founded Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), a non-profit educational organization. Over the years AFTAH has provided valuable research to the pro-family movement and exposed a wide range of horrors, some so repulsive that they almost couldn’t be published!

Outside the PFLAG booth at a San Fransisco "gay" event. PFLAG has chapters in school districts across the country and says it's a group where "gay" youth and their parents can feel comfortable. Pete took this photo of what really goes on. PHOTO: AFTAH.
For example, he covered BDSM conventions in major hotels and graphic homosexual “street fairs” in San Francisco (featuring nudity, sex acts, sadomasochism, and open perversion) to reveal the true character of homosexuality. As a result of his truth-telling, homosexual militants have viciously smeared Pete across the Internet, but he has not flinched at all!

"Gay pride" — behind the scenes. At the "Folsom Street Fair" in San Fransisco, a man allows himself to be strapped to poles while another man whips him. Other photos (which we're not publishing) show the resulting cuts and blood from the whipping. The event was supported by a number of prominent "gay" groups, and even major corporations. PHOTO: AFTAH
In 1997 Pete was recruited to join Family Research Council. It was quite an exciting time. He was part of their dynamic Culture Watch group, led by Bob Knight. This robust team did very hard-hitting reporting on the homosexual agenda. They wrote in-depth reports for distribution on Capitol Hill and appeared on major media talk shows – and ruffled a lot of feathers among the establishment. (1997-1999)
He also began contributing to, particularly their print magazine Whistleblower, where he wrote several groundbreaking articles on religious liberty and the growing transgender movement. (1999-present)
The following year the Culture Watch team got reassembled at Concerned Women for America’s offices across town when Sandy Rios was president. They continued their no-holds-barred reporting in CWA’s Culture & Family Reportnewsletter. But later, CWA (along with others in the pro-family and conservative establishment) became less aggressive on confronting the homosexual agenda and started focusing on other issues. (2000-2003)
Pete moved back to the Chicago area and became Executive Director of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI). He resuscitated the IFI website and used media and networking to build the group’s grassroots presence, and IFI became more active in confronting the homosexual agenda. (2003-2006)
In the 2000’s, Pete was also a regular speaker for the Focus on the Family traveling ministry, “Love Won Out.” The project sought to bring the truth that people can overcome homosexuality to churches across the country. He spoke for Focus and LWO on the extreme LGBT agenda in the schools. But in 2009, Focus began to abandon its strong advocacy on this issue and transferred LWO to an “ex-gay” ministry (which was unfortunately subverted by pro-“gay” forces and fell apart).
Pete also briefly worked at LifeSiteNews (LSN) as a reporter covering the LGBT movement, bringing his unique knowledge and professional writing skills to that dynamic site. You can view all his LSN articles here. (2016-2017)
Over the years Pete has represented the front-line pro-family movement inhundreds of speeches across the country. Watch his 2017 Wisconsin Christian News speech here.
VIDEO: Peter LaBarbera speaks at Texas MassResistance last year. 

Appearing in a lot of media

One of Pete’s major skills is dealing with the media. Too many times, when pro-family conservatives are in front of a camera (especially Fox News), they compromise their principles and generally wimp out under pressure. Not Pete!
Over the years he has represented the front-line pro-family movement in over 1,000 media interviews. These include:
TV/Radio: FOX “Hannity and Colmes”; the Sean Hannity radio show; BBC; CNN “Larry King Show”; C-SPAN; NPR “All Things Considered”; “Bill O’Reilly Radio Show”; CNN “Crossfire”; WGN, Barry Lynn show.  Print: Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, National Journal. Conservative media: LifeSiteNews,,, USA Radio News.
Pete is particularly good in Christian media. He is regularly interviewed by American Family Association (AFA) hosts Janet Mefferd and Sandy Rios; AFA’s One News Now; AFA’s Bryan Fischer; WVCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio show; Dr. Michael Brown’s radio show; and SRN News (Salem Radio Network). In past years, he was frequently interviewed by Dr. James Dobson on his national “Focus on the Family” radio program and “Family News in Focus” (Focus’ radio news outlet). He was also interviewed on Janet Porter’s “Faith2Action” radio show; the late D. James Kennedy’s “Coral Ridge Hour”; “Point of View” (including by the late, great Marlin Maddoux); Moody Radio; and hundreds of other local radio shows.
Exposing Fox News. In 2013 Pete wrote a major 92-page report for Cliff Kincaid’s America's Survival titled, "Unfair, Unbalanced and Afraid: Fox News' Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias and the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association." You can read it online HERE. (Fox's pro-homosexual bias gotten even worse since then.)
As an added gem, Pete went through the National Journalism Center, the media training institute in Washington, DC founded by the late conservative icon M. Stanton Evans.
On top of all that, Pete has been married for 29 years and has five children.

We are thrilled to have Peter LaBarbera on board!
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