July 23, 2018
We have EIGHT days to stop a horrible LGBT bill in MA Legislature that will cause serious harm to children!
Bill H4664 is a cruel, dangerous, and unconstitutional bill targeting vulnerable youth.

Now in the State Senate being pushed hard by LGBT lobby. It must be stopped before July 31. PLEASE HELP US!

Bill H4664, is now being pushed in the Massachusetts Legislature by the LGBT movement. It is one of the most destructive pieces of legislation we've seen. It would cause children to endure pain, trauma, even death — in order to support a radical ideology.

Homosexual and transgender behavior in children is very often a result of early sexual trauma such as sexual molestation, rape, exposure to pornography, abuse, or serious issues with one or both parents.

Victimized youth can become further traumatized and even suicidal.
Skilled mental health professionals can often help them heal their severe emotional wounds and work through their issues. For many, it is literally a life-saver.

But radical activists want to make it illegal to offer this help to children because it contradicts their political agenda. They believe that parents and children should not have a choice in this matter.

That's why this bill has already been rejected by nearly 20 states – because it puts vulnerable children in danger in order to please some radical activists. Just this month it failed in Maine. But the LGBT movement is pulling out all the stops to get it passed here in Massachusetts.

This is the hideous message that the LGBT lobby is pushing at your state senators right now. Please help us stop this!

This bill is clearly unconstitutional. On June 26, 2018, the US Supreme Court ruled in NIFLA v Becerra that the government cannot create a "professional speech" category that has less protection than the First Amendment. According to Liberty Counsel, the winning legal team in that case, it definitely applies with this type of bill. But if it passes, it could take years to resolve that through the court system. It needs to be stopped NOW.

We only need to hold it off until July 31!

Shockingly, it has passed the House. It is about to go to the Senate floor. That could happen any day now! If it passes the Senate, we fear that Charlie Baker will probably sign it.

There are only eight days to go until the "formal" legislative session ends on July 31.

The LGBT is lobbying hard to get this passed! WE MUST FIGHT HARDER!

          See our HANDOUT on Bill H4664.

In the past, many of you have asked how you can get involved. THIS is your opportunity to personally make a difference.

PLEASE CONTACT US by responding to this email or calling our office at 781-890-6001. 

Let us know if you can:

1. Take a few hours THIS WEEK and go to the State House with some other MassResistance activists and visit some Senate offices. You will talk to their staffs and give them our handout.

2 Help in other ways: Make calls, give rides to the State House, etc.

IN ADDITION TO THAT here's what you can do:

* Call and email YOUR State Senator and be resolute that he must vote against H4664. Send your Senator our handout.

* Call and email OTHER State Senators.

Find out who your Senator is.

Here's the list of State Senate contact info.

KEEP UP WITH the status of Bill H4664 by going to our web page.

Together we can stop this!

Thank you,
Brian Camenker

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